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About Wraith

  • Birthday 02/21/1969

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  • Location
    Garden City, MI
  • Interests
    Gaming, Music, Art, Being nerdy, Having fun, Causing trouble but blaming the voices or the mad squirrels...
  • Referred To DGN By:
    friends at City

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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Happy Birthday :D

  3. Okay I am definitely hitting it Saturday so if anyone wants to meet up, let me know and ill float you my cell # xo
  4. I am going for the Saints! I hope I get all 3 autographs!...with Connor also being Daryl on walking dead ill be lucky to get near the dude!
  5. this is what I am listening to right now....on Winamp... VAST/TOUCHED ORGY/STITCHES DEATH/Skinny Puppy MUTTER/Rammstein DOWN/Gravity Kills The Power/Die Krupps LAMB OF GOD/Marilyn Manson Nothing/Rosetta Stone Turquoise/Vast Just like you/Pig Beast/KMFDM
  6. OHhhh I thought the dates were posted but it is May 17, 18 and 19th! GO GO!!
  7. So lets hit it guys! GO GO! Whose going? Want to meet up there? Want to meet at my place and we caravan out ? what ? OH my mistake, Pirck, the name was changed from Rock Financial to Suburban Showplace...that's what threw me off! SO GO!!
  8. I know Tron! i liked it when it was in NOVI...now it is like the Mobile Motor City Comic Con...it is always somewhere else...
  9. Troy you need to go! COME ON! We have an extra seat in the car....-tempts- Right here in garden cityyyyyy....-tempts again- Prick! You need to go too! But I understand th emoney thing...friggin too much to spend money on and usually none of it fun but I will think of you there , k?
  10. just noticed this : "Gaming, Music, Art, Being nerdy, Having fun, Causing trouble but blaming the voices or the mad squirrels..." hah =P them pesky squirrels !

  11. We should get together and hit that hard on Saturday! STAN LEE will be there Saturday only! Yep I am letting my nerd flag fly!! http://www.motorcitycomiccon.com/
  12. I agree with you Tron..Im not single but hey, im always up to get locals or not so locals together and just get to know one another and stuff...
  13. Hey angels, srry haven't been around much! Went home to Ireland for a spell but Im sound as an Irish pound so yes Tron , lets do the coffee thing and lets grab everyone else nearby! Make it an impromptu DGN coffee clutch and brunch! lol OHH BTW I HAVE A FACEBOOK NOW FINALLY! I know, I know..im SO behind!! lol
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