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jr.dark lord

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About jr.dark lord

  • Birthday 04/21/1970

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  • Interests
    working out,playing video games,listing to goth,punk,heavy and black metal.some celtic.loves the outdoors.shopping.watching v or some scfi show or movie,sometimes watches the history channel.going to the tokken,nn lounge on tues. or cc on weekends.
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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. dark Lord, how will you break the 12 year spell if you won't post a picture? maybe some lady on here (not me--not looking) will help you get over that dry spell :)

  4. I've haven't been in a relationship(dating or sexual),in over 12 years,women don't want me 4 some reason or another.They love playing mind games w/me.I'm not a bad guy,I'm kind, concerate,a bit on the wild side.Have a good attidue,on life.I do have a dark kind of hummor.So I don't know why?Maybe i'm not good breeding materail.I do treat women w/respect though.Treat them like the goddess that they should be!I guess I don't meet all of their checks on their list.In my early 20's,I almost got engaged twice,but they just didn't work out.The first one,oh my,my,my,she was a big fat witchy,over dictoral women(that's saying it mildly). The second time was this one who i had gone out w/a couple of x's + I was friends with her for 4 years in high school.Then in the second year in collage we hooked up together.She had a kid,from a previous relationship.But the father ran off.After haning out in the collage student service area.We went out twice.The both of us were talking,about our x's,marriage.(x's of course.)To make a long story short,I was going to give her a necklace then,hopefully within a few months buy her the ring!AS for the first one we broke up on valentines day,because she didn't want 2 go out,and it runnied my evening.(reservations,limo,etc.)So we ended up in a big argument about it,and other times when she wanted to go out.But I had to work on those days,no compermise w/her.As for the second one,I callled her up just before new years eve.I had gotten this message that the line,was no longer in service.To this day i don't know where she went 2,no one does.After that I hit a dry spell,then in the late 90's-2001,1 nite stands.But now they completlly ignore me.OH WELL!!
  5. The last movie I saw was HP:deathly howllows pt 2.Very well done,kept it up to the book.I loved it when snipe,got killed.so long scumbag,heh,heh,heh.
  6. when is city club,going 2 do another old school weekend,I love old school shit.I hope it's soon,because that's when i'll go!!Please let me know.
  7. I see you lurkin'...

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