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About BloodStainedParadise

  • Birthday 04/23/1989

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  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    In a Relationship
  • Location
    Port Huron aka Hell
  • Interests
    Photography, music, fetish models, writing, Paganism, sci-fi, fantasy, reading, poetry, video games, anime... You know, geeky stuffs.
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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. "Detroit Gothic" is precisely what I searched for! XD lmao. I was trying to find out more about the Detroit scene because it was on the top five lists of gothic cities a few years back in Gothic Beauty magazine. And that's when I found the board! ^.^
  4. I apologize for your having to live in Port Huron. Spent too many good years of my life there...and I'm glad I escaped!

  5. Not the best video, BUT this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET5bDdvZMR8&feature=related
  6. Not entirely sure, yet. For haunted housing, I'll probably just dress in my street clothes (as opposed to last year when I dressed as a darker version of Red Hiding Hood, blood and all. People thought I worked at the haunted houses. XD ). For parties, I'm thinking either Amy Pond or Donna Noble if I can convince my boyfriend to dress as one of the Doctors. Heh. For CC, I'll probably just be a faery (I made my own wings a few years ago and still haven't worn them yet) or recycle my Red Hiding Hood costume. It was pretty fraking rad. As a kid, the only costumes I really remember was Jasmine (from Aladdin) when I was 8, Ginger Spice when I was 10, and an undead bride at 14. Meh. I couldn't really trick or treat when I was younger. My stepdad was thoroughly against it. >.<
  7. I looked through and saw that there wasn't a thread to discuss favourite artists and bands, so I started one! What bands or artists really get your blood pumping? Do you have any guilty pleasures? I don't really have an overall favourite, but my top ones are: Akira Yamaoka The Birthday Massacre Angelspit Nightwish Bitch Brigade Dir en grey L'Âme Immortelle Aural Vampire Nachtmahr Combichrist
  8. My boyfriend and I have the GoW3 360 pre-ordered. That system is bloody EPIC. Can't wait for the release!
  9. I'm thinking that I have no earthly idea if I work tomorrow or not. And that it is far too late to call to find out. BLOODY. HELL.
  10. Also, here is the newest companion on Doctor Who, Amelia Pond. Just because... HOLY. SHIT. And here are pictures of the actress, Karen Gillan.
  11. The Doctor... Mmmm... Yes. Specifically, his tenth and eleventh incarnations. Now Presenting: The Tenth Doctor Even sad Tenth Doctor is adorable. Makes me want to weep, but he is still JUST. SO. CUTE. Now Presenting: The Eleventh Doctor "I am definitely a mad man with a box."
  12. The last half of that movie, ESPECIALLY the ending, had me going "wtf... wtF?... WTF!" Hence, I love it. Heh. It was the first Japanese horror movie I ever saw, and it definitely wasn't the last. Here is a WTF moment from one of my favourite horror films of all time, "A Tale of Two Sisters." Up until this point, and even after it for a bit, this movie is a perfectly normal horror film. This scene is so incongruous and serves no purpose to the rest of the film. I think Ji Woon Kim was just trying to fuck with us... WARNING: Mild spoilers!! Scene begins at about 2:52. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RCPn_MYEvw
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