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Everything posted by james

  1. yep punk still lives in my hart.. but i like a lot of music
  2. if you see this then add and talk to me i don't bite or maybe i do

  3. hello DGN hope to meat a lot of new people and maybe some new friends. well i'm here now so hit me up....
  4. i got started on NIN and then i stumbled on kmfdm and it went from there but i love it now i'm getting in to skinny puppy and Ministry and more.... but i'm in to a lot of punk
  5. if no one knows i was this years second place place MANPION! hope to see you guys thare next year.... put the game face on...
  6. well i was chilling with Chernobyl i seen the business card and i ask about it and she told me about DGN and i'm just now starting to get in to it after like 3 years lol well hope to meat all of you i'm James so hi every one......
  7. going to DGN night at city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Highland games that wood be cool for us scottish folk
  9. we have at mars bar but i will be there hope to see you ttyt
  10. adult swim is the shizzzzzzzzz

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