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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. beanternal is going to Alice in Wonderland at 7:15P at Cinemark. ($1 bitches!) We'll probably swing by afterwards. We just found out from a friend, all the cool people going, incl a couple that may be celebrating, so I think we're going to join in the celebration.
  2. Ok, so I haven't been on the board much lately HOLY F%^$ING SHIT!!!!! I'm talking to bean. This sounds amazing! Atmoshere is a killer song, but if you can't play that, maybe you could consider this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPY5TxTdElM Umm...yeah. I'm a bit of a fan.
  3. 1st thing bean got her first 4.0 in a masters class! She's so awesome! ----- 2nd thing I had been texting her about something else that day. I don't know why she didn't mention Brew and View. It's fine. I was exhausted that night. The worst was that someone else who we're mutually friends with asked how Brew and View was last night. And I had no idea people were going. One of the worst feelings of all is when someone asks you how an event was or if you were going to an upcoming event because it was assumed you were invited ... and you weren't So then you have to play it off. Which I suck at. And then when the conversation's over, I always feel like a loser. ---- Edited because I wanted to say Herr Phee, you are the best most magnificent commandant and you will lead this board toward domination of all the other inferior boards until we will rule and have complete internet gothic domination Heil Mein Pheerur!
  4. Correction--You saw Repo MEN, not Repo as in the Genetic Opera. Still that sucks I would have wanted to see it. Apparently I lost the invite, despite having seeing Hunhee the night before.
  5. 2 things 1. You don't need to throw a big party to make friends. You just need to hang out with a bunch of us at the club and other events. If anything, throwing a big party can be a way for others to take advantage of you. And then you wont know if they're friends. Just opportunists looking for a big party. 2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You need to move out to Detroit. It's that simple. You're always complaining about how you want to go to clubs and how you're in the middle of nowhere and how you're a goth in a big redneck town and if you were here you'd probably have someone giving you rides to clubs AS A BONUS I would throw you a party where I would burn (as in setting fire) to all your Limp Bizkit cds and give you copies of all my ACTUAL gothic-flavored old school cds and I'd have DJ Saint DJ it and I'd make sure he'd give you copies of all the newer goth stuff (because there is SOOO much cool shit I don't know) so your music collection would match your new style preference and lifestyle.
  6. Everyone that's ever taken an exam hates you. If they don't, they should. OK I hate you. You're totally fucking awesome, and one day I will stick an electrode on your brain and suck out an ounce of your motivation so I can make myself do something with my life before I'm dead. I'm wound up because I ate too much, and I ate late at night, and I'll never hit my goal if I keep doing that. And I'm an asshole because bean can never sleep well when I stay up I'm sad I have to miss an event, but I can't go. I'm feeling mildly poetic, but I need to read more tomes of the classics as ingesting the poetry online is like taking a hammer full of illiterate, double-negatived, ham-fisted pus and bashing it into the side of my temple with the hope something genius spill forth I wish I wish I wish some people could realize how good they have it, when there are others with no love and support system. I have no family but I have bean, which is like a tower of love and support, so I'm good. I'm amazed that with all the digging and hard work I'm barely going to clear my draw and I'll equal everyone else many of whom did worse than I. My pay plan sucks the ball sweat off Floyd Mayweather as he hits the canvas. And that's low. And I don't ever want to hear a fucking doctor or a nurse or a businessman bitch and moan about how many hours they work or a g-ddamn news report about how we put in longer days to chase the almighty dollar and that we've lost touch with our values That's not me. Some of us don't have a choice. Some of us aren't lucky enough to say, "No I'm not going to put in the extra time to file my report, because it's not worth the $1000 bonus. I'm not walking the extra mile. Some of us aren't walking. I'm running... down the hall chasing a quarter, and as I turn I realize it's in a mall that's filled with things I used to afford but no longer can, and when I finally catch up to it, it's in my exes hand and she laughs as she turns into the ladies restroom to flush it down the toilet. I work 50+ hours/week in a job that gets no respect and a salary that is far worse than the guy putting tags on houses or the one watching as elites drive their Benz past the freshly painted tollbooths with the smugness reserved for the "already made it" crowd as they float across the Chicago Skyway. But now I have to go to bed. Because I need to get up at 4:30A so a high school dropout with day-old blue eyeshadow and oddly creeping, curly, winking facial hair can jam a needle into my vein, in between cold snaps of her spearmint gum. while I lie there pumping my hand, like an impotent man squeezing a frayed rubber penis pump with the hope of one last erection, for over an hour. Because when its over, that $20 bill is all mine. Good night.
  7. You just broke the first rule of Fight Club! Not that you care. All I do is I make and I sell soap.
  8. beanternal loved it! I thought the visuals were great and the acting was perfect and we loved the way they took Heath Ledger's death and seamlessly intertwined the other actors. But Tom Waits as the devil is what really killed me. He was phenomenal.
  9. That is true, but bloody death on a horse is even better If that's too dynamic, here's an alternative Now, when I'm down, I kinda prefer Death by chocolate Although possibly the most entertaining, is death by killer condoms, ESPECIALLY when used on hurtful, inconsiderate boyfriends That is assuming they had any humanity in the first place. Hoo-ray for sociopaths! ---- I'm feeling tired. Time for bed.
  10. Sorry for double posting. But I had to mention that I'm being hypnotized and slighted freaked out by TA's moving avatar It gives them power. And every moment the other person is in pain, their power grows.
  11. Why is something so bad taste so good? Viva kielbasa!
  12. I think it was a lambada class. There is none other to think of when you are in the clutches of the forbidden dance
  13. It's worked for me! Hey, kids keep drinking soda---see how I turned out! That could be you too!
  14. Eevee, what were you saying again about people not liking you?
  15. If I complain that life is too short, why is it that I procrastinate and fuck off as if I'm going to live forever?
  16. Although, I'm very jealous, bean and I had a yummy steak and potato dinner at home and then we went out to see a play I got tickets to as part of my Valentine's Day gift to her two months ago. Then we watched a movie on the Dalai Lama. It was really nice. -------- I'm feeling like I need to have Meg's motivation to get my ass in gear. No way I could've done two hours of work last night.
  17. AGREED. I think the reason why we hear about it in NYC so much, is there are more media outlets in NYC than anywhere else in the world. EDITED to add this--- From the article-The incident is reminiscent of the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese, also in Queens, in 1964. In that case, dozens of people witnessed some or all of the attack and yet no one did anything to stop it. Amazingly underrated and forgotten Bob Dylan-contemporary wrote this song for Kitty in the 60s I never do this but I'm posting a slowed down less tuneful cover, because I like the visuals
  18. Here's why Phee makes sense. Just to break it down---It makes sense because, if say for example, one VOLUNTARILY filed for disability, and filled out all the necessary paperwork, so as to get government money, that I, eternal, as a taxpayer am required to pay for through MY social security taxes, (which I have no problem doing) that person's income would not be enough to be required to get health insurance or be penalized if he didn't. Now, if that person got off disability AND Medicaid but STILL made less than $9,350 for singles and $18,700 couples, that person STILL wouldn't have to pay a cent. Soooo, it would seem HIGHLY ironic if, hypothetically speaking, the people who keep complaining the loudest about governement mandates (those on disability/medicare/medicaid) were the ones that ALREADY ARE THE BENEFICIARIES of government mandates that EVERY working person has to pay for anyway. BUT WHAT THERE'S MORE! This requirement doesn't even start going into effect until 2014 and the 2.5% fine doesn't even fully get required until 2016! BUT, what DOES happen now is that health providers need to give free health screenings so expensive emergency room visits that, I eternal, pay for through MY taxes, will be prevented. AND people will live and have inexpensive medical procedures because whatever ailment they had was stopped early before it got worse necessitating aforementioned emergency room visit.
  19. Gaf, please read this post and take notes. Chernobyl is able to convey your views and your passion, with 100% less of your baiting, condescending, trolliness. I don't expect you to be as cool as her overnight, because, well she's Chernobyl, so that could never happen, but you gotta start somewhere. back to Chernobyl-- "Fox is only called biased by people who's agendas directly oppose it." This is ACTUALLY what I've found with NPR. It's dry, it's informative, it's a little boring--the way news is. I love NPR! Yet most conservatives can't stand it, because it actually DOES report the news, and not just the news that the left or right wants to hear, the news that actually is important for the day. Sometimes, when shit was going down with Bush during his presidency, everyone was talking about it, even right wing bloggers. Everyone except Fox News. If there wasn't anything nice to say about Bush that, they just didn't report it. That way you can decide not to know about it. And yet, every since BEFORE President Barack Obama got sworn in, OUR president of the United States of America, there has been constant news stories questioning him and openly slamming him. Tea party rallies haven't been reported, they've been PROMOTED, like it was American Idol. Sometimes, it's not just how you report news (which they do in a very biased manner as well), it's WHAT news you report. That's probably because most Fox newscasts have the tone and opinions OF a commentary show, and it's extraordinarily hard to tell the difference. ------------ On a side note, I've noticed that as MSNBC has moved to the left, CNN has tried very hard to move to the middle. Fox News was a conservative news network from Day 1, started BY a conservative who runs the rag the New York Post, with a news division started and run BY a conservative activist, Roger Ailes, with anchors that often have conservative blogs on the side. Possibly Fox's most respected anchor was Brit Hume, who left FOX News to be part of the conservative Bush Administration. MSNBC has never been as hard left in the news division as Fox has been hard right, probably due to the fact that it isn't part of their ideological DNA. Simply put, MSNBC are news whores for whoever will be a repeat John. Becoming more liberal was a business decision, after failing at being conservative. They tried to mimic Fox's popularity by hiring nutjob firebrands like Michael Savage, who was so crazy, even Fox passed on him. When they reinvented themselves as a liberal network, CNN raced to the center. Unfortunately, CNN seems like a bipolar network with no spine. You'll see these news stories that end with "Well, I just trashed the SEIU president and I just trashed a corporate CEO making both sides feel like I was a tough news person, all the while not really digging any deeper than the surface or telling you anything you didn't know" WHY The Daily Show is great, is, despite Jon Stewart being liberal, he'll be the first to attack a liberal. He has no problem attacking anyone of any stripe as long as they're full of bullshit, he'll go after them. He wants the truth, and the news networks seem to have a problem showing it. And he loves hypocrisy. Why is that Fox News will trot out old ham-fisted criticisms of Pelosi or Reid, whereas Stewart, on a day when HE'S attacking them, will instead find fresh footage of Reid and Pelosi saying the EXACT opposite of a belief that they're staking their career on---thereby showing the Dems to be full of shit? WHY? Because A. He's not lazy, unlike most news outlets. AND B. Because tomorrow he'll do the same thing to GOP's Boehner and McConnell Which Fox will NOT do. That's why I loved George Carlin. He attacked everyone. BULLSHIT WAS HIS ENEMY STUPID BULLSHIT Edited because there were grammatical errors of mine and spelling errors of others that were bugging me.
  20. In a word YES! Two things. 1. If you're feeling unwanted, come on the board. You have a whole fan club, many of them with all ten fingers and toes intact. 2. Don't try the new BK Sausage Mcmuffin. Before I tried it, I thought Wow! The McDonald's $2.50 Sausage Mcmuffin for $1. That's amazing! There's no way McDonald's is 2.5x better. AFTER WARDS, I wanted my dollar back. If the Burger King truly snuck in to the McDs lab and stole the recipe, he must have been J-walking when he cooked it up, because it has a taste only a stoner could love. I won't tell a soul ----------- I confess that I may need to become a Buddhist, because I need a few more lives to get shit right.
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