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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. You seem like an intelligent person, so I am begging you, PLEASE, use the spell check button (the blue check mark in the upper right hand corner) Guys may talk about about boobs and ass, but we all want intelligent people we can relate to. The quote above had 10 errors. I corrected them below, highlighting the corrections. "This is my attempt to understand the mind of men. Be honest. I truly don't give a fuck, but I wanna know the truth, no matter how ugly . . ." I'm not a total grammar Nazi, which I found out by reading the grammar Nazi thread. The people in that thread talk using college-level sentence structure terminology, and I had no idea what the hell they were talking about. That's not me. I'm more of a stickler for the stuff my sixth grade teacher would have flunked me on. Proper punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. Doing this immediately makes you appear more intelligent, and intelligence is sexy. If I can make any kind of overarching point, it is this. Not every man wants the same thing, but you attract what you advertise. In your profile you state "...But I am way to bright" That's a message to others. It's a message that you are a smart woman, and therefore you are seeking other smart people to interact with. That's great! Except, you used the wrong "to", It would be "But I am way too bright" So, for me, the whole message of intelligence was completely contradicted by the misuse of the word "to" in your 6-word proclamation. -------------- From the clothes you wear, to the type of makeup you have on, or lack thereof, to the way you act, to the types of views you espouse in conversation and writing, to EVEN the way you write, you are sending a message out to others as to who you are, and who you'd like to attract. KNOW THAT USE THAT Although different men are looking for different kinds of women, everyone seems to like someone who says with their actions----- "I know who I am and I am confident of me and I am not too fucked up. And if I am fucked up, I own my mental illness, because that's me." Know yourself. Own who you are (not some fake style you think people will like) And then reflect that to others. DO THIS, and you'll attract the people you seek. That's my advice... That and use spell check and proper punctuation.
  2. Keep me posted on how that goes. I was thinking about getting that. Amazingly, eating what I want and not exercising hasn't worked for me yet.
  3. STARFIGHTERS KICK ASS PILOT DOZENS OF STARSHIPS (one starring Mickey Thomas)! AND ONE OH and a Happy birthday too!
  4. Most likely to trade in a 40 yr old for two 20s ---TIE--Mstrbeau and Prick Most likely to do it while wearing a kilt ---Prick Class Asskicker --- Chernobyl Most Dramatic--- TIE--the entire board Steven Spielberg Award--- Slogo
  5. I had bean do both! First she put out, then she put it out for me, a year later, for good. (No more smoking bean) Well, I love him in a more forbidden way. He's the Ace of Spades in my book
  6. I am so sorry. Of course I'll pray for your father, and I'll pray for your strength to be there and supportive to him and your family. They need it too, as do you. In the Jewish faith, we have a prayer for a refuah shleimah, a complete recovery for all that are sick and ailing. I just sang this for your father. (the "funny language" is Hebrew with the English translation sung in the line immediately afterwards) Mi Sheberakh Mi sheberakh avoteinu mekor habrakha lÂ’imoteinu May the Source of strength Who blessed the ones before us Help us find the courage To make our lives a blessing, And let us say: Amen. Mi sheberakh imoteinu mekor habrakha lÂ’avoteinu Bless those in need of healing With refuah shleima: The renewal of body, The renewal of spirit, And let us say: Amen (((HUGS))) bean and I will be thinking of you and your father
  7. I'm sorry but I find the love at the end completely disingenuous. We all bitch about City Club, but most of us still go. We know it's still better than anything else out there. Sure the music might be better somewhere else G-d knows the sound system is, but nowhere has the atmosphere. We can all be ourselves, and let loose, and unlike places like Neo in Chicago or Necto in A2, which everyone always says is soooo much better, you can't say a fucking word at either place. You have to yell it (esp at Neo as there is not even a side table like at Necto) With CC, you get two places in one. A club, and a neighborhood bar, goth-style. I love that about it. There is plenty of good music. Some of it's overplayed, and yes some of it downright sucks, but it still gets me out there dancing every Saturday I'm there. And I love hanging out with the DGNfolk. So, they don't mix beat on beat. There are worse things, like playing Taylor Swift and Hinder. The one thing that I can't stand-- the douchebags that go there with their baseball caps leering at goth chicks like they have seen the darkness and if they're lucky they'll finally get a blowjob their prissy little sorority gfs won't give them. That is unless the chicks turn on them and harvest their blood I used to think we should have a fashion bouncer keeping them all out. I used to, until one night a couple years ago, a couple snotty, fat-phobic women went around increasing people's insecurity, and generally pissed everyone off, giving out fashion tickets they created, because apparently they were the be-all end-all. Fuck that. We bitch about CC, but it's still our place, and for you to condescendingly say "So please, lets work on that." you are no better than those two snotty bitches giving out fashion tickets and ruining their evening. If you know so much about mixing beats and music, I recommend you and your old DJ friends put in an application and reclaim the booth. Or start your own night somewhere. No one's stopping you.
  8. WHAT: BOWL THREE GAMES with beanternal FREE(incl shoes) WHEN: 7:15P TONIGHT (bowling starts at 7:30 SHARP!--If you're late, you pay full price) WHERE: Thunderbird Lanes in Troy on Maple Rd (15 mile) between Crooks and Livernois) AGE: 21+ ONLY I just found out about this. I just called a few dear DGNers because I have their numbers and I like them (Turn on your damn phones! ), But just because I don't have your number and/or you're an asshole, that shouldn't stop you from bowling with beanternal for FREE! POST HERE and/PM your number so we can meet in the lobby or something. YOU GOT TWO HOURS TO RESPOND
  9. Wow! So initally I was bummed, because Ivycat and her kids couldn't come, that knocked out 6 guests, and then Jynxxx had to cancel, which knocked out a total of 7, and I thought, oh this is foreshadowing of things to come. Wrong I was. Every single person who said they'd come to the afterparty came and we had a great time. We talked a lot and watched cheesy movies. Thank you so much, everyone! Special mention to Stormknight for ensuring a perfect night. Showing up early with ribs and a handful of top shelf cinematic cheese. And Garbeldena for not only bringing food, but most importantly, as things were winding down, and we were waiting for Hudson Hawk to finish up in the dungeon below, you said "Let's spend this half hour cleaning up" Who the hell says that? bean and I love you both for bookending a perfect evening and of course thanks to everyone else for bringing great food and drink and making this Thanksgiving so memorable. And YES, Wolfman still has nards.
  10. BUMMER! Eevee is on her way! Brenda, lil Bren, and Tomcat have arrived. Pomba Gira is among us. Oh and THIS ENDED So, we are on to THIS! After it's over, we're thinking of going to a 2-level movie experience, so we can all hang out more upstairs, and the others can enjoy Buckaroo Banzai down below
  11. LOS--you have my number Slogo--you suck. How can you compare fire to French silk pie BOTH bean and I will be checking the board and PMs at 8P and 10P to accomodate all the late RSVPers Anyone that wants to come to the afterparty is WELCOME TO COME!!! I have to go now though as ribs and turkey are waiting and I am missing crucial moments of THIS MOVIE We already enjoyed Bauhaus' Gotham. SEE YOU ALL LATER TONIGHT!
  12. But I love you. Why won't you return my calls? What happened to the puppy I sent you? Did you get the locket with strand of my hair and drops of blood? Don't tell bean I've been driving by your house every night (she thinks I'm working late) It's just that I need you. Hello? Hello? Eevee? :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
  13. Like I hope that we get a good turnout for our Post-Thanksgiving party. I can't believe Thanksgiving's only four days away. LOS-- You should come to our after Thanksgiving party. We'll find you a woman to make you happy again. Woman good YA!
  14. We have a priest, a group of prophets, now we need some THC, a Temple of the Holy Color, where we can assemble and appreciate the wisdom of and guidance that this has brought upon us.
  15. Actually, that would fall under the category of people that I pity the fool No you don't. -------------- I hate people that go on and on about a situation that only effects them, and does it in just a vague enough way that only they could give a shit about it. YET they post it in a public forum! Honestly, who are you writing this for anyway. The only thing worse is to start entire threads about it. -------------- I hate being worrying about paying basic bills when there are complete morons making 10x as much as me.
  16. I always laugh and roll my eyes whenever I see posts like this. There are some on this board who I can see being single and having a tough time, but Stormknight I know you're just very picky. You have to be the biggest catch of this or any other board. On match.com, they had to create a longer list of boxes to check off, because off how much you have to offer. I am soo not worried about you. Now, ----- yeah, for you, it's gonna be awhile.
  17. Here are two awful, awful songs that for some unknown reason throw in Jewish references. Seriously! Make dumb off-hand Christian references for your shitty music. Don't drag my people into it The first one, a brand new crapsterpiece from Black Eyed Peas, throws out the word Mazel Tov! for no reason whatsoever (it's usually used at Jewish occasions to say Congratulations or Good job. To my knowledge, it's never been used to say "Hey guys I've had a shitty week--Let's get pumped up to go tp some douchebag bar and listen to warmed over house music while hitting on sororiy girls") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_2rrxONlLo I gotta feeling, if had to listen to this song tonight, it WOULD NOT be a good night This next one has a special place in my ass. Seriously, don't fuck with Fiddler on the Roof. What's next on the agenda, Gwen? Cutting off a rabbis and burning a torah? AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCISSGjcHL4
  18. Detailed question for Stormknight. "If Jody doesn't pay her ticket, she will go to jail." Which other statement must be true? If Jody goes to jail, she didn't pay her ticket. If Jody pays her ticket, she won't go to jail. If Jody doesn't go to jail, she paid her ticket. Explain not only why this is right (ie some formula A=B, then B=A) but how this is useful in understanding a particular situation. All three seem to make sense to me.
  19. Seriously, after dinner, I want you, LOS, and Slogo to come over to the after-party. No T'giving and no Brew and View. You guys are embarrassed to see me outside the club? Ok, I'm teasing, but it'd be nice to see you guys anyway. RECAP So, once again, whoever's coming at 4P or 5P, we're going to have an amazing dinner!!! I can't believe 17 people are going to be here for dinner. Whoever isn't making it for dinner, come by whenever your family opens the cage and lets you roam free. Dragonluv is bringing a fruitplatter. I'm very excited about that. I need something moderately unfattening to make me feel a little less than one big clogged artery. Whoever has games, bring em! Whoever has cheesy movies, bring em! Will we enjoy them? Fuck if I know, but we live in a very safe boring neighborhood, so it'll be fine here or in the car, I'm thinking of having the ambience of the afterparty like the City Club bar, with non-club music in the background, and a movie playing with the sound off. I was thinking maybe Suspiria or Deadalive. I'll be in the DGN corner. Then downstairs in the dungeon, people that don't want to socialize as much, we'll have the little theater with sound and classics like Stormknight Presents Monster Squad or the eternal's special edition of The Warriors CAN...YOU...DIG...IT! It's BYOB. Bring whatever you want, just don't get trashed. We have a nice cozy home (ie small) and nosy neighbors You know what you can handle. bean and I should be sober, so if you become a wasted embarrassment, we'll just take your keys, and put you in the trunk to sleep it off. ANYONE THAT STILL WANTS TO COME TO TO THE AFTER PARTY PM ME OR BEAN
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