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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. That's a trick question. You can't demonize those who already demonize themselves on a daily basis. It's already done. Which is your favorite quote "Prove to me that you are not working with our enemies...And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel." --Glenn Beck, in a xenophobic and completely baseless attack on American and Muslim congressman-elect Keith Ellison, demonizing and making suspicious all Muslims or "Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it" Rush Limbaugh, demonizing and grouping all Black football players as gang members
  2. Neither. I will be otherwise engaged. (But since I am the eternal, I'm everywhere so can see me in your sushi and you bewitching sashes) If you had to have sex with one former unemployed loser DJ that transformed to a multi-millionaire demagogue who treats his minions like the passive braindead sheep that they are, which one would you f%ck----- Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck
  3. It works on so many levels. I'm pondering all the different things that this site has brought up for me. The Id vs the Ego vs the Superego. The Meaning of Life. The Color Wheel. Wow.
  4. I'm outgoing AND I hate people. I have a naive faith in the goodness of others. I'm the first to say hello to you, and trust you. The next day when I realize how stupid and duplicitous you and all of your friends are, that's when I hate all of you and plot worldwide destruction. And the next day the cycle starts anew. It's f%cking exhausting! bean water has the right idea---shyness and mistrust have been two of her most faithfull friends
  5. You Would Be a Tempestuous Celebrity A part of you would love to be famous, but only for the true fans who understood your art. It wouldn't take long for the whole Hollywood scene to become a drag for you, and you'd probably often be in a bit of a foul mood. If you were a celebrity, you'd be well known for your crazy, unstable antics. The press would always be decoding your bizarre behavior. You'd be a celebrity in the mold of Angelina Jolie, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Manson, and Christian Bale. What Kind of Celebrity Would You Be? Umm...good?
  6. From the aftermath thread I am so freaking excited that Tszura and Nightgaunt and your 7-layer tortilla dip and Spanish rice will be coming. And TWB and Spook--thank you not only for confirming for T'giving, but for bringing your homemade french silk pie and other food. Stormknight--I am calling around to see if I can borrow a grill for your ribs. It's going to be so awesome. Fidget, I can't believe you're making deviled eggs even though you can't attend. That's beyond all. You are so nice I'll be sure to get someone to swing by your area that week to pick it up Now that apparently the T'giving after-party will be graced by Brenda and Tomcat, Osaka and Riku, Hunhee and Burrich, Mstrbeau and ??, Nienna, Aequorea, etc I will be making this a two level affair, with cheesy movies in the cellar. This is getting BIG.
  7. General thoughts--- I am so psyched for Manfast, even if it is 8 months away. I need to slim down and man up. I'm going to be rocking a black toga this time. I getting my ass ready for better impressions on all of your cars. I have Chernobyl, Pest, friend Jabberwok--who posted for like 2 seconds in 2007 and then disappeared, Constantin, and his brother, all future 2010 Manfast attendees, to thank for that. I hope Blackjack is working on his tree-carrying. That may have been the most manly thing since Chuck Norris picked up Greenland, threw it in the air, and stopped global warming. BTW, I need you all to watch Chernobyl when she dances. She is the only one who can dance with a pitcher in hand, and not look a frat idiot. It's a skill honed through practice. I got a TON of wonderful hugs. I truly feel there's a healing power to them and I am totally addicted. The HUG HALL OF FAME is populated by bean water (of course), Gothykitten (when drunk), Hunhee (when drunk)-last night you were too sober for the club or hugs, and Taysteewonderbunny who gets extra points for being just as warm when she's sober. Honorable mentions to Osaka, GRG, Fidget, Eevee and the only three men I give full hugs, Phee, Slogo, and LOS. LOS---your current paramour, the sweetest person on the planet, defines the word UPGRADE, esp since your last fling, and I hope you two continue to make each other smile. Of course, since you nearly bit my nipple off a couple weeks ago, we have had a deeper bond. Thank you again for your apology and feeling me up. It was soothing after Aequorea, a seemingly mild mannered sort, gave me a hug that was either meant to break my back or prep me for noogies and Indian burns to come later. I got to meet for the first time: Ms Riddlebox and her man, Evil Fish/kitty Fidget and her woman, Lilylu, Skyfire, Ivycat, Deathfearsnone, and VampiricPassion Oh and KatRN05, who wins points for looking exactly like her avatar, and yes you did meet me and bean. I even gave you my half-hug for first time people and most men. Gimp, everyone likes you. But we can't be too friendly to the guy that may feel our concealed weapons. Well some of us can.... but we feel dirty later. Troy, I always hope you make it home okay after these things. You were quite toasted. You know we all love you too. You'll find your lady someday. Talking old school, if there hasn't been 100% turnover of the board yet, you probably noticed Saechalyn was there too. And of course, Nienna who I got to dance with. One of these days I'll say hi to Eleven, if she stops dancing long enough. I'll do it now Oh, and Xillatoxic too. BTW, you may have been happy, but you were in total asskicking mode, which is cool, but may be why some thought you were upset. Whoever the non-DGNer that bought a whole tray of drinks for the VIP section, thank you thank you thank you. Thank you to Hunhee for helping me boot out a non DGNer who wandered past Spook. Oh, and VampiricPassion, you were up top all night, despite not having made a single post! I know you're type--lurker. Next event, you better have your 25 posts in check or you're going back to the floor. THANKSGIVING PART---I save mentioning some of you for here. I am so freaking excited that Tszura and Nightgaunt and your 7-layer tortilla dip and Spanish rice will be coming. If this were an exclusive get together I'd put you two right up at the top of my list with hallowed individuals like the almighty Phee. And TWB and Spook--thank you not only for confirming for T'giving, but for the DGN night goodie bags filled with treats. They were perfect for the ride home. Stormknight--I am calling around to see if I can borrow a grill for your ribs. It's going to be so awesome. Fidget, I can't believe you're making deviled eggs even though you can't attend. That's beyond all. You are so nice I'll be sure to get someone to swing by your area that week to pick it up Now that apparently the T'giving after-party will be graced by Brenda and Tomcat, Osaka and Riku, Hunhee and Burrich, Mstrbeau and ??, Nienna, Aequorea, etc I will be making this a two level affair, with cheesy movies in the cellar. HEALTH CARE-- Yes, it gets its own section. If any of you saw me running around with my phone and stupid grin, it is because I am the only person on the planet, in the middle of a club party, who would check his CNN alerts and then, (as bean water looks away and pretends she doesn't know me,) run around showing everyone, like Fin, who is always great to see, and Stormknight and others so they TOO can share in the joy that the House just passed health care reform. I was very excited! Slogo, our plans for the Hammer and Sickle to destroy America has just begun. AND FINALLY Torn Asunder, since they didn't play it at the club, just for you, is one of the best rock songs ever made
  8. Seeing Hunhee and not eating Schwarma? This will be odd indeed. I'm getting excited--less than three weeks away!
  9. It's going to be so great to see all the old-schoolers and meet a bunch of people, especially since many of you are coming over to our house soon. BTW, to all the DGN Thanksgiving maybes (I'm looking at you Lilylu, Raev, Fidget, and others) feel free to RSVP in person tonight Same goes for all the post-dinner Fangsgiving Part Deux guests And if any of the rest of you who decide after meeting beanternal tonight that you want to join us for Turkey night in three weeks, we're open to all--esp if you bring food! Threadjack over. DGN appreciation is going to be a great night. See you there
  10. Hey, kids are kids for 364 days. On Halloween, I say let kids be vampires and zombies and witches. As for dressing like a whore, I didn't know there was an appropriate holiday for that for any age Except maybe Spring Break?? Congressional Recess? Altar Boy Appreciation Day?
  11. Menu for Thanksgiving: ALREADY ACCOUNTED FOR--- Turkey ---the eternal Mashed Potatoes ---bean water Potato Salad ---Ivycat Water ---Mother Nature NEEDED Stuffing (bread/cornbread stuffing---maybe with onions & celery) Homemade turkey gravy Green bean and fried onion casserole. Canned Jellied cranberry sauce (the homemade stuff is always hit or miss and we got kids coming) Cranberry jello mold.(optional) Big tossed salad Tofurkey (If you're vegetarian and want to bring a non-meat alternative) Sweet Corn Deviled Eggs HOT Rolls (or Pilsbury Crescent Rolls) Pumpkin pie or Apple Pie or Pecan Pie or brownies or pumpkin cheesecake DINNER GUEST CHOICE (if you think you can make something better than what's above) NOT NEEDED--- That disgustingly sweet concoction made with mashed sweet potatoes, pineapple and melted crusty marshmallows on the top. Yams Sweet potatoes---Leave em at home. My house I say YES to deviled eggs and NO to sweet potatoes or yams ---------------------------- CHECK YOUR NAME IF YOU'RE COMING (and what you're bringing--many of the things above can be bought at Meijer's) AND how many in your group or family, so I know if one turkey's enough LCC-- Mstrbeau-- Brenda-- darknight1-- Lillylu29-- Stormknight-- GRG-- Raev-- Angel--- AstralCrux--
  12. THIS IS SERIOUS Ok, I got your attention. This IS going to happen. Kids are great! Although I have ano screeching rule Two screeches and they eat outside For all the people coming, BRING FOOD! We are supplying a 20 lb turkey and Mashed Potatoes. (Although we need a good carver) You bring the rest. I will PM people bean and my address the week of. BYOW. (Bring your own wine--let's have some class for T'giving) --------------------------------------------------------- FANGSGIVING--PART DEUX--The child-free edition AFTER the families leave--- ANYONE that wants to come here to unwind after putting up with their own f&^%ed up families, post here. If there's enough interest, We'll do a post-T'giving party after the kids leave. We can bitch about our families, gossip about all the DGNers we don't like (It's happened at every other get-together--why not this one?? AND watch a good movie starring people more sane than our families BRING YOUR GOOD LEFTOVERS! (and of course BYOB) This will be a drama-free zone ALL NIGHT! That's the whole point. There's the family you're stuck with and the family you choose. PS I feel silly posting this on a goth board, but we have a cat. If you're allergic, don't come. I don't say that to be a dick, but if we put her in a room all night, she would claw though the door. She's sweet, but when she's away from her humans, she gets terrified. If we close the door for a minute, it sounds like ten rats are trying to make their way in, and that's no fun to listen to while eating turkey.
  13. That was funny I hate clothes. I wish we could all be naked all the time, then there'd be no hierarchy. Although I'm a total hypocrite since I'm always dressing the women at City Club with my eyes. Seriously, boobs are sexy, asses are sexy, your stomach rolls are not! If you're a size 18, why are you wearing a size 12 outfit?? My look is: Doc Martens, black pants I found on the floor, black shirt that doesn't give me moobs.
  14. So, bean and I were planning in sitting at home with a $.48 Banquet Turkey Pot Pie on Thanksgiving, and then I thought--- DGN THANKSGIVING! We could do a potluck, where each person brings something. Or if you can't bring something, yourself. Or if you can't bring yourself, have someone else do it. WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK??? Anyone else alone on Thanksgiving? Want to get together? Maybe find a Thanksgiving horror movie or some other flick to watch? We'll get a turkey--you'd get the rest.
  15. BIG SCREEN AND BEER UPDATE! I've been gone for awhile but this MOMENTOUS OCCASION is bringing me back. Wednesday October 28 - Doors 8pm – Film 9:30pm – 21+ COVER--$2 DRINK MINIMUM--NONE INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sQhTVz5IjQ A Brew & View debut! Inspired by classic war movies “The Dirty Dozen”, “Where Eagles Dare” and “The Guns of Navarone”, director Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds is a modern masterpiece. Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz (Winner of the Best Actor Award at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival) head an all star cast in this humorous action/thriller. THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE AT BREW and VIEW SINCE STAR TREK. And since, unlike Star Trek, none of you have seen it 1500 times I want you all there! MAGIC BAG 22920 Woodward Ave Ferndale, MI 48220 www.themagicbag.com
  16. (In honor of Stormknight, who is always there and always a pleasure but who never starts with a big post talking about the night, I will be brief)---- Reports?
  17. Sorry to hear that If you need new car, I know people. This thread is being quite manic-depressive. A couple people are being so happy that I want to throttle them, and yet on the other end there is some serious pain going on. Lots of love to April and Phayne. I hope everyone has a better week --------------------- Me? I haven't gotten good sleep in a week. It was so bad I laid down on the City Club bed last night. bean was paralyzed with fear so Taysteewonderbunny rescued me before the bed bugs and lice crept into my skull... we think. My ex is going to get word of my two protests today, so that's a little scary. I used to think it was irrational to be so afraid of her, but each month proves me right as I realize her borderline sociopathic tendencies have shown that she does not care for anyone's wellbeing or have any respect for human decency BUT she knows EXACTLY how much she can get away with and completely believes her lies merely seconds after wrongdoing. Fighting her is like living in a parallel universe where nothing I do is appreciated, and everything destructive she does is ignored, and I'm laughed at or dismissed for complaining. Hopefully that will change a little Monday. Sad that Trixie's closes tonight. I hope Rev and OMG will be in attendance for the open Mic tonight at 6P I hope bean's stomach issues go away. She better drink water so she can have a good vein to prick. I have great veins. They make me money which may keep the heat on this winter, which is a plus. I miss someone very much, and I hope I can talk to this person today. It's getting harder to do. In a month is Thanksgiving. bean and I have no family. I lost mine 6 years ago. bean lost hers on new years. They're all alive. They just act as if we aren't Holidays are Hallmark's way of reminding you how alone you are.
  18. It was found at the RenFest that I have special oral talents with a banana. So, maybe
  19. I think we can handle it as viewers, but I think since the writers and directors of most sci-fi is male, the lack of normal male nudity in a movie says more about who's making the films than who's watching them.
  20. I hope he brought the funk! It needs to be brung. That's so great that he did that. It looks like he had a nice time, which despite having your daughter as a dance partner, is none too easy with Miley Cirus and Taylor Swift blaring. And your adorable daughter looked so happy too!
  21. I think Voting against protecting rape victims is ok, as long as you're against raising taxes. AND if you're FOR freedom. Which this communist bill is certainly not for. ----------- This bill is prohibiting the invisible hand of the markeplace from deciding if it wants to thrust inside a woman's vajayjay or not. I mean, who do these dems think they are??? Today they prohibit companies who allow rape to get govt contracts. What's next? Mandatory gay rubdowns as part of their pinko-communist-fascist sensitivity training?? I mean, don't forget these are the guys that brought you sexual harassment laws and affirmative action. You don't know what they're capable of. It's a slippery slope. Those GOP Senators are American heros. I for one think they should be commended their bravery It took a lot of courage for these THIRTY men, men with wifes, and mistresses, and call girls, to say "Hey it's not our business being a police state telling companies what they can do with their employees bodies. It's only our business telling women directly what they can and can't do with their bodies once they get knocked up due to the completely protected practice of being raped at work, in the first place!" Bravo! It's so nice to see the GOP standing up for their core conservative values and showing once and for all exactly what their true view on women's rights are. FREEDOM 1 BITCHES 0
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