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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. very deep. I especially like the part where you talk about reaching to the 6th path of truth through world douchecide
  2. Yes it is true on both counts. The Thanksgiving is NOT one to miss. Nectar of the g-ds from last year was courtesy of Stormknight. I will defile a rib in your honor this year. The click--Fangsgiving part deux was pretty packed last year, and it was awesome. A ton of you who bean/I talked to off-board are already coming this year But I thought I'd bring the invite on the board, for those of you not accounted for. BTW, you are welcome to come to Thanksgiving EVEN if you can't afford food, and want to join us. Of course, the after party is BYOB (& BYOLeftovers for everyone to DEVOUR!!!!!!!!!!) IF YOU DON'T SHOW, THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU
  3. AND DON'T FORGET!!! AT 9P IT'S FANGSGIVING--PART DEUX AFTER your shitty, restrained, forced family gathering starts to wind down. AND your racist uncle finishes talking about sending Obama back to Kenya AND your mom's done asking why can't you be normal GTFO! And come here!!!!!!!!!!! BRING YOUR GOOD LEFTOVERS! (and pick up some booze!!) LEAVE THE FUCKING KIDS BEHIND! As for the KIDS that came for Thanksiving, I'll send em packing at 9P. AND IF THEY REFUSE??? Nightgaunt and I will hold a Lincoln-Douglas style debate on the perils of the free market economy and the Federal Reserve...IN THE NUDE...until every child has departed!!!!!!!!!! This will be a drama-free zone ALL NIGHT! There's the family you're stuck with, and the family you choose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we had the past two years, there will be two levels of action! Downstairs will be for the movie nerds. It will be DYNO-MITE DYNO-MITE! Upstairs will be for bad background movies, fattening desserts and a bit o partying. OH YES there will be BOOOOZZZZEEE! (if you bring some) ONCE AGAIN, there will be a triumphant return of the ONLY known anti-drug, Christian, Thanksgiving exploitation film ever made. If you have to see one movie with a turkey-headed man that goes Gobble Gobble before it kills you...see Blood Freak PM FOR ADDRESS
  4. OK FUCKERS here we go again. For those of you that are new, I'm kind of a big deal. Some say I'm epic. Others an enigma. And the majority still can't believe they've seen my ass more than their own. But NOT from 5-9P Thursday (after 9P is another story--see the next post for the I-hate-my-fucking-family-and-need to-get-wasted AFTER-PARTY) BECAUSE It's the unofficial DGN Thanksgiving! Alone on Thanksgiving? Hate your fucking family? LOVE your immediate family but hate everyone else? Want to make one AMAZING piece of food and not a whole smorgasboard? Want to actually enjoy Thanksgiving for once with people that welcome and like you, and won't ask you to smile or wear something other than black? COME HERE! KIDS WELCOME-- until 9P when the goblins from Troll 2 come for them AS ALWAYS IT'S A POTLUCK----AND WE NEED FOOD!!!!!!!!! Turkey ---the eternal Cranberry jello ---the eternal Crescent Rolls ---the eternal Water ---Mother Nature Mashed Potatoes ---bean Meat Loaf ---bean Latkes ---bean Stuffing ---JennyJune/Garbeldena GrBEANAlmondine ---JennyJune/Garbeldena BaconionCasserole ---Megalicious Pop/Soda ---????? Salad ---????? HomeMade Pie ---Brenda Starr Corn Bread ---????? Deviled Eggs ---????? NO SWEET POTATOES OR YAMS! PM ME FOR ADDRESS ALL your friends are welcome but MUST be included in RSVP (so we know how many is coming) SPACE LIMITED!!!!!!!!
  5. For blood? For ways to refute Pythagoras Theorem? For the ability to fly through the air while Cake sings "I will Survive"?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImIctIMyGFs HEY GUYS! haven't been on in months. Just thought I'd say HI See you all at the club in a few
  6. Good to see you! BTW, I went back to the old board to see the old peeps. WOW! Marblez, Dynomiiite, Ginevra, Shade Everdark, Phee (Who the hell's that?), Onyx, Kitkatp, and of course Fierce Critter. They were all there when I joined in 05. Other members of the old guard I remember-- Paper Hearts, Game of Chance, and many others. It was nice to see that Spook's been around since 05. Every time I talk to someone about the old days (05/06) and the DGN corner where everyone would hang, they'll say "But I joined in 08 or 09. I don't know what you're talking about." They don't even remember this tough chick named penthesilea. --------------------------------- You know you're DGN-OLD, when you not only know the long standing members, you know their original screen names before they got banned the first two times.
  7. I'm tempted to criticize Deadcat for picking more obscure selections, but his songs are so fucking perfect, how can I? Great choices! Quintessential Goth Song? Well let's see-- Hmmm... Kicked off the modern goth movement Band showed up for concerts in a hearse Heavily featured in a legendary vampire movie That starred David Bowie Yeah I think we may have a winner
  8. Running to! If memory serves, that was when Tszura and NG showed up. They had already COMPLETELY bowed out of the whole weekend, so when they showed up unexpected, moments before this picture was taken, I was the first one to notice and ran with manspeed to them as they drove up. (Look in the picture--the naked man casually talking to NG? That would be me) I MANgled their Pontiac Vibe permanently. In my most spontaneous moment of the weekend (edging out when I had emerged from my tent with a full erection and baseball bat to confront a female heckler who had been commenting on our MANsex by telling her "Hey bitch You're on deck") I zoomed to their Vibe in my loincloth, which was literally hanging on by a string, ran straight up their car, sat on the roof, and then slowly slid down their windshield with my manhood waving to the occupants inside. It was my gift to them. My ass made indentations in their roof that is there to this day. Not that that was why people were running. NG and Tszura are fucking rock stars! If you had been surprised by their presence, you'd run to them too.
  9. I figured. I hate camping. I hate Chuck Norris. You all know I'm a strict vegan, who mainly lives on the Fugazi diet (a steady diet of nothing) And I'd rather die that let anyone see my ass naked. I'm a very modest, quiet guy. Most people call me shadow, because they barely notice I'm there. And I tell you one thing, even when I ate meat, I wouldn't even look at bacon. I CERTAINLY would NEVER take an hour round trip drive JUST to go to a dive like for some stupid event called where they serve THE BEST FUCKING DESSERT EVER! A Maple Bacon Sundae made with real hickory smoked bacon, 2 scoops of ice cream, and maple syrup topping. HOLY FUCKING SHIT is it good! I mean, eww, gross! I spit on your disgusting depraved bacon-filled weekend.
  10. NG loves me? And I love him too

  11. I DONT CARE. I'm sure he's a native born son of a tropical island nowhere near the mainland populated by people that consider SPAM a delicacy, but you know what, I just don't give a shit. The fact that so many people violate so many laws and complain abut so many others and yet cling to this ridiculous requirement is beyond me. You're honestly telling me that being born on American soil somehow makes someone more equipped than someone who moved here when they were two? We know less about our own country than the average immigrant. Newsweek gave a basic dumbed-down civics quiz with mind-rattling questions from the US citizenship test like "Who is the current vice president?" and 38 percent FAILED. I leave you with this question. In the future, the body of a great man and a...a...a...not so great man are both unfrozen from their cryogenic state. They run for President. One an immigrant. One, a Staten Island native. Who would you choose to run this country? OR
  12. I have no doubt he's dead. Why? Even the right wing is not questioning this one. For every Islamic scholar that says his burial was terribly insensitive, there's another that'll say it was the proper thing to do. Besides, those clerics will be against ANYTHING America does. They've got DNA samples, which I don't believe Bin Laden was handing out at every corner. Imagine they buried him? Where? Where could they do it that wouldn't get torched or defaced? Or where he'd be dug up and run through the streets as the great martyr the clerics want to make him to be? They did the right thing. Bury him in a way no one could get at him, but in a proper Islamic rite so Obama couldn't objectively be seen as not respecting Islamic law. Vater has made a lot of sound points on this board recently (even if I disagreed with them) but I think it's too conspiratorial to say Bin Laden is gone. Oh, and gas is now over $4.30/gallon in Troy.
  13. I gotta ride for you right here. Two dolla make you holla.
  14. Criminals ALWAYS think they can get away with it. And when it's criminals who've been bailed out by the govt and stamped with the "too big to fail" by people on all sides, they think they're bulletproof. I hope this activity continues
  15. This shit honestly doesn't make any sense. It sounds like temp agancy for the military. Pay more per hour for people less trained than give full due to the people that deserve it. I'd be curious what companies are most commonly used. Follow the money and you'll probably find companies that have lined the pockets of Dems and Republicans. This would be an interesting documentary for an investigator with the strength to pursue it.
  16. I don't know hot to embed this from FOD so PLEASE click the link. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/0247468f28/when-harry-met-sally-2-with-billy-crystal-helen-mirren I want to see this movie. Someone HAS to make it.
  17. I think Chernobyl is being way, WAY too nice here. Your little sob story reminds me a lot of the NAMBLA episode of South Park (If anyone can find it, please post it) The guy at the end makes this big mea culpa, and the whole town suddenly feels bad for him, to which Stan replies "DUDE, you have SEX with CHILDREN" Then he gets taken away in cuffs. Funny that outside of all your DL stuff you put in your profile your association with NAMBLA If you are real, then I hope someone plucks out each of your pubic hairs one by one with a rusty tweezers for professing an interest in fucking young boys. Another reason for people thinking you're a troll is how you've made EVERYTHING about your lifestyle and your ridiculous plea for equal rights. You have equal rights, dipshit! Just like People into BDSM or swinging or any other sexual lifestyle outside the norm have equal rights. No one's stopping you. Unless you're fucking little boys, then, as in the South Park episode, you'll be hauled away by the cops. Here's the difference. People into that don't make one aspect of their sexual lives the central focus in every post. You're into putting on diapers, big deal. That's your thing. Honestly, I think most people don't give a shit. But, with the creepy way a lot of your posts go, either you ARE a troll or are severely mentally ill that you think the world is somehow conspiring against you for engaging in sex with a diaper. Two women can eat shit out of a cup and it becomes an internet sensation, but you want to put on a diaper and the world rises against you? Seriously? The awesome thing about this is, if you are a troll, my post just made your night for taking the bait. If not, get a fucking life and learn to talk about something besides how everyone hates you for wearing a diaper. You'll still be a sick fuck in my book for your belief in NAMBLA, but at least you'll be a slightly less dull sick fuck.
  18. It closed ten years ago. Here's the tag------ “Motor returns after 10 years for only one night" Your favorite bartenders, waitresses, barbacks, security and the resident DJs that made it the “Best Club in America” Urb Magazine - Host of the top DJ’s in the world such as Kevin Saunderson, Juan Atkins, Derrick May, Richie Hawtin, Carl Craig, John Acquaviva, Carl Cox, Deep Dish, Mark Farina, Fatboy Slim, Bad Boy Bill, Dieselboy,Magda, Mistress Barbara, Christian Smith, Adam Beyer, Frankie Bones, Doc Martin and many more….
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