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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. Pick Your Artist: Queen Are you male or female: White Man Describe yourself: Good Old Fashioned Loverboy How do you feel about yourself: The Loser in the End Describe where you currently live: Sleeping on the Sidewalk If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Dreamers Ball Your best friend is: The Invisible Man Your favorite color is: My Melancholy Blues What's the weather like: It's a Beautiful Day (YES, this is Queen) If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Stone Cold Crazy What is life to you: Pain is so Close to Pleasure What is the best advice you have to give: Keep Yourself Alive If you could change your name, what would it be: Great King Rat Your favorite food is: Fat Bottomed Girls
  2. At my old job (I left it a couple weeks ago) I was subjected to the same fucking ten tracks all day long. I don't where workplaces get these piped in music contracts but they're awful, MUCH worse than XM. Primarily because it's the same shitty 10 songs all day Hearing a terrible Kid Rock song once is bad. Hearing it 5x in a day is excruciating! They would play two stations. 80's/early 90's and today. Today sounded like the worst of 96.3 --- Shinedown, Kid Rock's All Summer Long, whatever POS artist from American Idol was popular 80's/early 90's --- Whitney Houston Mariah Carey Celine Dion One day they included Just Like Heaven into their 10-song rotation of hell. Moments of bliss do happen, often when you least expect it.
  3. OK, I'll do it. But I need you to open with this track http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJYjr-vUKZM&feature=related And then when it's the bewitching hour and everyone needs to leave, don't scare them away with bad 90s rap-metal (although, come to think of it, that may not be a bad idea) gently show them out the door with my cousin Earl
  4. I loved his movies. They were so classic. Strike me down for saying this, but I'm a lot more saddened by this than MJ and Farrah. I kept waiting for him to come back and make more movies.
  5. You give me pain You're so enthralled. I felt so big. Now feel so small. My heart was red And now it's black. The pain was real. As heart attack. I was full. Of it all. I could stand. As ten feet tall. That knife of yours. It hit my vein. You made me feel so full of pain. The blood did gush Like waterfalls. I once had two. Full of goo That I would squirt all of you. You took my manhood You took it all. Befores was two. Now just one ball.
  6. If all you you wanna do is rock out, it doesn't get much better than these two
  7. I have to agree with Tyger and bean. Classic yet unique. I was out with a friend a week ago and her kids Audrey, Raven, and Stella. I thought, wow, what nice names. Could you do us a favor? List the names you're batting around, so we have an idea of your style. Quite frankly there were names mentioned here I wouldn't name my ex. (Except Lucifer, of course)
  8. Great pictures! I love the one in the Baltimore tunnel. Mine always come out as a crazy blur
  9. I forgot L & O. And there are so many of them! Look at all the good that has come from gluing a man's penis to his stomach.
  10. Ladies and gentleman I present you a video almost more entertaining with the sound off! This is what happens when you put Rob Zombie in the Brady Bunch. Take it away roller-skating angel!
  11. Obama's got a lot more to do to catch up to Bush. ---Out CIA agents he doesn't like ---Take away civil liberties ---Put someone as inexperienced as Michael Brown in charge of FEMA, so we can have another Katrina disaster ---Put religious ideology over scientific fact when it comes to energy and health policy ---have someone like disgraced Enron executive Ken Lay shape energy policy ---hire people to head departments who were previously lobbyists that wanted to dismantle those same departments ---ignore facts in search of the neo-con dream of spreading democracy throughout the middleast by using our brave men and women to pre-emptively attack countries who don't posess WMDs ---cut taxes for the richest people while reducing military benefits for returning soldiers ---de-regulating industries that need oversight ---using terms like axis of 'evil' to destroy any hope of negotiation with other countries AND ---fostering ill will with nations around the world to name a few I'm not saying Obama can't do it. He just has a lot of work ahead of him. BTW, bravo to the GOP senators who want to stop the Cash for Clunkers Bill. It's the only thing with resounding popularity in the past year. Three months of benefits that Americans lined up for and used in only one week. Maybe for an encore, they can try to ban cute kitten pictures, since its one of the few other things Americans across the country seem to like.
  12. HW would make a nice Eeyore. I'll buy it and he can borrow it when he likes.
  13. Bob is my new hero. I want his costume for Halloween, and random select weeekends when I feel like it "Donkey" included
  14. No you don't. You were in pain, so you vented. That's what this thread is here for. Right after a relationship ends, it stings the sharpest. Since then, it may have dulled a but, perhaps the other party contacted you, you felt guilty, so now you want to take it back. That said, even if you feel silly now, and even if you were melodramatic, (and I'm not saying you were) those were your feelings at the time. It's probably good to look at it. Then move on, stronger. ----- The main reason I beg, err, order people to modify their posts from time to time, is to keep my ex from being stronger. Because if that happened, the rivers would run with blood and no man, woman or child would be safe. But thats just me. --- One nice thing--- rarely do people look on old pages of this thread. It's probably the least likely thread to do it on. If they did they'd probably feel the same way too.
  15. I hope they videotaped it. TruTV has been getting so desperate lately, I've been waiting for the pilot of "Meter Maids---Real stories form REAL parking violation enforcers" This could be a ratings bonanza. As long as Valerie Bertinelli and and Fram Drescher get to play the leads in the Lifetime Movie, Passion Unglued it will all have been worth it.
  16. Here's the irony. Countless scholars of this philosophy have said Obama has not done ENOUGH! I know that's crazy for the libertarians and economic conservatives, but since this entire philosophy smacks in the face of what they believe in, any steps in this direction would be outrageous to them. Obamas move is tantamount to saying "There's oil 100 feet down. I'm going to dig until I get there" Conservative response---"There's NO oil there. You can dig 1000 feet and you'll just be wasting time and money. Focus on the wells running already and stop digging" Obama "OK then I'll dig 75 feet instead" ????????? The left outcry as exemplified by HERE and HERE AND FINALLY HERE where the Nobel award-winner applies Obamas middling on his health care proposal So, we have Obama who has liberal feelings, but genuinely wanting to show that he's post-partisan, appealing at least to the conservative democrats (if not the liberal republicans) by compromising on his economic and health plan. (as opposed to Bush who just had his speech writers mad\ke up fancy phrases like "compassionate conservative") Sure, if you crak a newspaper or look at the stock market, the economy is heading toward recovery, but SLOWWWWLY, and the health care crisis is mired in debate, and I promise you one thing---the conservatives are not a single bit more warm and fuzzy toward Obama than if he just went full hog with what he wanted to do. And because of this, I have no idea, if anything he planned on accomplishing will come to fruition. I guess I have to have hope. ------ You gotta hand one thing to Bush. He may have fucked everything up, but at least he went all out and fucked it up every single bit that he planned to In reference to George W Bush "He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday." ---Stephen Colbert
  17. Luckily, that'll never happen. You mean way too much to so many of us. --------- As for me, it has been said in one form or another by Phee, Confess, bean water. One day I'll wake up. All our credit cards will finally be tapped. We'll have no means to continue to pay the bills, including to "her", and then my ex will take me to court. I'll be branded a loser by the STATE and sent to prison, ripped away from the two people that mean the world to me. I've done a lot of things in the past I shouldn't have done, but I'm closer to prison than I ever have been. All it would take is losing my job. (It could happen even if I don't--it's just that job loss would guarantee it) It happened to this guy,and he wasn't even supposed to pay his ex in the first place!
  18. According to the board index, the latest thing i hate is "bean water". Of course, after this post it'll be myself. That's more like it!
  19. Anyone remember these guys?
  20. I couldn't have done worse. Oh well. Americans don't know how to pass the US citzenship test either
  21. I'd love to help, but I think I'm done with the political thread for now. I'm feeling sleepy That and if I don't get off this board and take out the trash, bean's gonna beat my ass and that's not fair. I'm the one that gets to do that! Ask HW and Angel, they'll vouch for me
  22. Since Joey Deadcat seems to be running these music threads nowadays, I'm posting a Rockabilly song that rocks my world. At :48 is, in my opinion, a candidate for the best guitar riff you'll ever hear. And if you think you've heard it before, it was probably from a musician born after Cliff Gallup first played it
  23. Terry Gilliam would be a fantastic choice. I think there needs to be a 1st annual Pheefest where we watch Phee's Phavorite Phlicks. It would be most epic.
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