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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. And here I thought it was bad that my McDonald's has a pre-recorded, sickeningly over-excited canned introduction: "HI, WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY A NEW ICED MOCHA!!!!!!" No, STFU, and let me get my ice cream cone.
  2. That is such a beautiful picture. And not just because you guys look great, which you do, but whoever took it, Mstrbeau?, is an awesome photographer. The colors are so vibrant and the detail is so rich, it could go in a gallery
  3. I love that this has become the g-d corner of the board. Here's the thing: many intellectuals are indeed atheist, but why round up all the agnostics and questioning ones to do it. In fact why do it at all? I've never heard the argument that atheists are stupid. Many things have been said, but stupid is not one of them. This poster smacks of misplaced defensiveness. --------------- I will say that there are stigmas applied to those who don't believe in a higher power. Not as much in intellectual circles, which makes this poster so silly, but in a broad array of other occupational settings and social circles. I believe in the holy one, but I also wish that there was a better separation of church and state and a respect for those that don't believe. (I know it's weird to say here in opposite world, where everyone seems to be an atheist, gay-loving, tax-hating libertarian pagan--It's such a weird group here) When you look at at our national consciousness, it becomes clear to me that it is more likely in my time that we will have a Black Lesbian Midget Christian be President of the United States than an atheist white male. Just my .02
  4. I feel like when certain people are banned, they need to ask themselves. "Why was I banned??" "Is it because I needlessly start shit and cause unnecessary drama?" If so, when they come back, and they ALWAYS do (under a new name) they should heed that advice. In fact, many have. The truth is: sometimes we all, myself included, need to pause before we post, and realize who could be hurt by our careless words. And sometimes some of us just need to STFU, as someone else said today, because apparently some of us unconsciously love starting shit so much that everytime we open our mouths, diarrhea comes rolling out.
  5. Actually, it probably wasn't, since he likes to say things just to start shit, while claiming that's he's not. Criticism: It's tough, because I'm sure the burlesques were crowd pleasers, but I loved the talent portions. I could have listened to the violin guy all night myself. The ice queen bit was funny though. I loved the pantomime conversation at the end: ("You saved me. Let's have sex" "Yeah. Wait no. Put me in cuffs instead and whip me, my lady" "Ok. great idea" ) It was one of those 'You had to be there' moments.
  6. One more thing---Do you ever go to make a pork sausage and find it's got hairs growing all over it? (10,000 pts to anyone who got that reference without googling)
  7. You took the words right out of my mouth
  8. I feel like I was reading the board index and it said "Now Feeling: Tits," and it made me feel dirty. I'm not letting you feel that way. Nope. No way. I decree it so. Remember: You still have your man and he still loves you. Very, very very much He still occupies a huge place in your heart and you in his. And as long as he does, then you will never be empty and you'll never be alone
  9. Not everything. My ex needs pain and misery for a year, then if her pain and misery case worker has determined that she has found humility, she can have love and affection again Your kids ARE cute! I'll take them in. I love kids. I was thinking of going back to school and become a teacher, but why get into another INDUSTRY where everyone's getting underpaid, outsourced and laid off. I can enjoy that right now!!!!! Ice queen, you can pay me under the table and I'll actually get to keep some of my money again. ----- Me, beides the usual shit, I'm completely flattered on bean's behalf (even though she isn't) My friend's wife thinks he's having an affair with her, because they've been spending time together. My girl's still got it Wait a sec. I'm almost always with her when we see my friend. What am I chopped liver? Maybe he's my mancrush, huh? ((I suppose I shouldn't joke about this. I like said confused wife, but, things are getting a bit silly around those parts))
  10. Like I am determined to hit my volume goals, so I never make $2.75/hour (after court costs) again. If I'm going to give away 75% of my paycheck to the govt and my ex, I'm going to make it a fat one. ----- And I'm feeling like I need a family lawyer who wants to do pro-bono work so I can get more of my paycheck back. If you know one, drop a line.
  11. I just wanted to make a note of observation as the special delivery man of said rats on the transratlantic motorway from Lansing to Detroit---the rats are in very good hands. I have never seen two people so excited to see rodents in my life. An hour and half driving with my rodent companions with the faint smell of ratpoo wafting over (they rode shotgun) , and I was more than ready to bring them to their new home ON THE OTHER HAND--- Rev/OMG were instantly smitten They should be giving a lot of TLC to those little ones in the months to come.
  12. I am a bit of a girl, so when I get depressed, I don't drink, I eat. Here are some of my favorite comfort foods (in pictures since it's a shame to read words and not see foods) And, of course, the best comfort food of all...
  13. Well, if it's for Detroiters, I think it should be a Gearhead section. Now, if it's for Welshman who have devoted Detroit admirers, then it can be a petrolhead section (just teasing)
  14. Hey, shit-starter, I mobilized a tea party just for your birthday!!!!!! OH, and a special birthday cake! Can you eat it? YES YOU CAN! It brings HOPE to your sweet tooth and CHANGE to your waist line From one agitator to another, Happy Birthday, you sexy devil!
  15. I hereby proclaim that all blokes from the UK come with a handy-dandy British-English dictionary so I can understand and enjoy their humor. I also proclaim that the standard of beauty goes from the previous standard bearer of 20-inch waist to the new standard: 40 inch ass I also proclaim parenting skills be judged on skills, not whether or not you possess a vagina. I also proclaim mandatory castration for pedophiles. I also proclaim Free Buspar for all those who suffer from social anxiety. And free love for all of those who suffer from lack of sex. And free condoms for all those who don't. And Free Bird for all those who rock (I salute you) I also proclaim the proclaimers (Hey, you've got to give credit to a duo who would walk 500 miles AND 500 more just to be the men who'd walk a thousand miles to fall down at your door) I also proclaim that I do NOT look like every tall kinda-cute-but-not-really Jewish comedian/actor of the past twenty years I look like him
  16. Thank you, once again, for being a voice of reason and concern, in a board increasingly gone mad with the Ayn Rand philosophy of everyone for themselves and and who ever isn't at the top to go fuck themselves.
  17. No, Meg. MOST people are fucking stupid. Once you recognize that, the pointlessness of life becomes more abundantly clear. (Apparently, I'm feeling existentialist right now) Like Brenda could have made a pit stop on her way to GR to kick my ex's ass. It would've felt so cleansing, not cleansing like Irish Spring, but close. I feel like being in denial, because whenever I think about what happened Friday, I feel like getting a gun and some pills. Like I asked bean if she wanted to leave me so as to save her from the financial shitstorm that is about to blanket us like a fecal version of the New Orleans flood, but she said no. And I can't leave her, as much as I'd love to for her own good, because she's the best thing I ever could ask for. Like I haven't slept in two days
  18. Who cares? They're on their own island. As I've learned from many years of Gilligan's Island research, they can have all the luxuries of home without ever figuring out how to build a boat to escape.
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