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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. You and Burrich are far too good for this board...Whenya leavin?

  2. Ahh yes. I think you and will get along just fine.
  3. Tired, finally There's ALOT behind my insomnia and unsettledness, but due to my exhaustive state, I will spare you the details.
  4. is what I'm sure some people are thinking should be my theme song
  5. Since it accidentally double posted, I'm going to add more Everyone talks about the epicness of Stairway to Heaven with it's length and tempo changes. Here's the target="_blank I love the way the song becomes chaotic at the 5:30 minute mark and Here's the target="_blankI still can't believe how underrated this song is. I mean the guy started the most successful music festival of all time. He's not exactly underground.
  6. I don't know if any song can quite fit what this thread states (mind body soul) but many of these come close is a total mindfuck. The screaming is so real, if you listen to it late at night with the lights out it may freak you out a bit. THIS ONE TOO, but to a lesser extent It's creepy though ----------------- and THIS ONE are two sides of the same coin The first personifies desperation. The second one: resignation to an impending death The singer committed suicide shortly after recording it. ------ FROM THE EDGE OF THE DEEP GREEN SEA I printed this title because it's these lyrics that resonate, esp. with my last relationship (pre-bean) how much more can we use it up? drink it dry? take this drug? looking for something forever gone but something we will always want? why why why are you letting me go? she says I feel you pulling back I feel you changing shape... and just as I'm breaking free she hangs herself in front of me slips her dress like a flag to the floor and hands in the sky surrenders it all... I wish I could just stop I know another moment will break my heart too many tears too many times too many years I've cried for you it's always the same wake up in the rain head in pain hung in shame a different name same old game love in vain and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles away from home again...
  7. (or Chanukah--holiday cheer is starting to wear me down)
  8. I'll be waiting for it. Even if it is similar to their past work, it'll be better than most anything out there.
  9. Joga Beautiful song Beautiful video ------------- If I'm in a silly, up mood, would be the song I'd pop in ------------
  10. Bauhaus-Too Much 21st Century (off their 1st album in 15 years-Go Away White)
  11. Faithless-Insomnia Deep in the bosom of the gentle night Is when I search for the light Pick up my pen and start to write I struggle, fight dark forces In the clear moon light Without fear... insomnia I can't get no sleep I used to worry, thought I was goin' mad in a hurry Gettin' stress, makin' excess mess in darkness No electricity, something's all over me, greasy Insomnia please release me and let me dream of Makin' mad love to my girl on the heath Tearin' off tights with my teeth But there's no release, no peace I toss and turn without cease Like a curse, open my eyes and rise like yeast At least a couple of weeks Since I last slept, kept takin' sleepers But now I keep myself pepped Deeper still, that night I write by candle light I find insight, fundamental movement, uh So when it's back this insomniac take an original tack Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack I gets no sleep I can't get no sleep I can't get no sleep I can't get no sleep I need to sleep, although I get no sleep I need to sleep, although I get no sleep
  12. It's too bad. If only it was then it wouldn't end
  13. Birds?! I don't need your stinkin birds. is what I do with them
  14. I take your Dream and raise you a Nightmare, before well. you know
  15. Fuck that. We need the transporter here. Who wouldn't want to holiday in the UK right now? I want my ex to treat me with respect, and stop using human beings as pawns to punish me for leaving her. I want to spend more time with someone who means the world to me. I want to either get a new job or start making money in the one I have now. It is not a good time to be in commissionable retail. It doesn't matter if you have big ticket items with unlimited income potential, if no ones buying your shit right now
  16. I'll take your NSFW French Kiss and raise you a NSFW speed freak
  17. So, I just played all 200+ videos today, and have discovered many things. You all love the Cars, cheezy-ass hair metal, Talking Heads (who would've guessed minor hit Psycho Killer would be picked TWICE) and indie punk. My post will be aftrmath-style: Chernobyl: If you're out there, you did pwn this thread. No one will out-weird or out-cheese Total Eclipse, but turn around bright eyes, there's a cavalcade of craptastic music that still needs to be mined. No one will take your crown, BUT we need to fill the court with more depravity and more big hunking bricks of musical Velveeta Tacohitts: I DID forget "Don't Disturb this Groove" and I am NOT happy that you reminded me of it. I am "so not into youuuuuuu" at this point (I tease, but oh dear lord why! ) Greyhalo: Didn't know you were a dirty punker. Impressive. Jynxxed: You are most diverse. I loved half of your stuff, the other half, umm not so much. I suppose that's a good thing. No one would like all the shit I listen to. That's for damn sure. Thanks for bringing back the breakdancing German Da Da song. Tomcat: Electrokitty: More cheese please! You have the underground punk bona fides sewed up, but I want to see more gay French art students drawing reptiles across their chests that come to life. Wait a sec, never mind Kitty, I've got just the solution RIGHT HERE Post out. Fade to black, I mean grey.
  18. I love tongs. They can be just as hot on a man as a woman. Well, for those of you that know me, know that I like to feel sexy, so if I want to go all out, I put on the Royal Chippendale ice tongs But then there are times that I feel more utilitarian and rugged, so I'll put on my Campfire Tongs from the army navy store But, of course nothing beats a pair of basic black nylon tongs That's my old standby. I wish I had something as sexy as Tomcat's Hanes longjohn's. Unfortunately, the most I can count on is a nylon tong that flatters my figure (and occassionally eggs, ice and a campfire grill)
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