So, I just played all 200+ videos today, and have discovered many things.
You all love the Cars, cheezy-ass hair metal, Talking Heads (who would've guessed minor hit Psycho Killer would be picked TWICE) and indie punk.
My post will be aftrmath-style:
Chernobyl: If you're out there, you did pwn this thread. No one will out-weird or out-cheese Total Eclipse, but turn around bright eyes, there's a cavalcade of craptastic music that still needs to be mined. No one will take your crown, BUT we need to fill the court with more depravity and more big hunking bricks of musical Velveeta
Tacohitts: I DID forget "Don't Disturb this Groove" and I am NOT happy that you reminded me of it. I am "so not into youuuuuuu" at this point (I tease, but oh dear lord why! )
Greyhalo: Didn't know you were a dirty punker. Impressive.
Jynxxed: You are most diverse. I loved half of your stuff, the other half, umm not so much. I suppose that's a good thing. No one would like all the shit I listen to. That's for damn sure. Thanks for bringing back the breakdancing German Da Da song.
Electrokitty: More cheese please! You have the underground punk bona fides sewed up,
but I want to see more gay French art students drawing reptiles across their chests that come to life.
Wait a sec, never mind Kitty, I've got just the solution RIGHT HERE
Post out.
Fade to black, I mean grey.