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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. That may be true, but here's another undisputable fact. The highest number of characters/post typed from one unique user in the past three years , comes from an office in Lansing, MI
  2. I know where Creature's getting his view on Hillary from. A couple months ago she was in a debate, I think on the east coast, no less. She made a comment about politics being a boys club or something, and the press had a sh*&storm over it. Anyway, that touched off a month or so of missteps, that put her behind in Iowa. She never recovered there, finally finishing in third place Trust me, unless she's speaking in front of the national Organization for Women, that tack will not be used strongly again. Ironically, why she's STILL top in the national polls is that she seems the most "manly" of the top tier candidates, (ie tough, unwavering). It's also due to her perceived "vast experience" (Since when did being a first lady count for elected political office, huh?) Look at her speeches. On the stump, she's strong and decisive, as well as being the most conservative dem when it comes to troop withdrawal. Obama, on the other hand, comes off more friendly and concerened about others (ie more "female") Plus, he likes to think things through and make reasoned decisions based on crazy things like facts and common sense. And only after he's considered the different options. He may have momentum now, but voters seem to like someone who's strong and decisive, who doesn't need to mull things over. Like Him Of course, we are looking for a change. Maybe, just maybe, dem or GOP, we won't pick the safe choice. When I say we, I mean non-MI Americans. Since all the major Democratic candidates aren't even on the primary ballot, and even if they were, it wouldn't count (see the Your vote Doesn't Matter thread) I have no say in my Democratic nominee. But I hope and I pray the rest of America chooses wisely.
  3. Interesting idea. We are a long, LONG way from doing that though. But it's interesting. I love that every Ron Paul supporter has theor own website. I fear surfing the web now. They're EVERYWHERE! (except the polling places )
  4. I'd do what she says. She can kill someone with two fingers and a hairfall.
  5. I'm beautiful, because I have people that I didn't even know cared, show me love (that or they wanted me to STFU about my ex already----either way, I'll take it )
  6. Pity me! I must be in a real fuck-off kinda mood, because I have no idea why I'm still posting today. Focus! Focus! Work important, DGN, um, not so much.
  7. Phee you are phrickin phantastic!!! You can put this on the mantle alongside your trophies for Mr and Mrs DGN (for you and Rayne) and the empty spot for your future award for World's Greatest Grandpa
  8. Visions of cyanide and razorblades grazed his mind. "Fuck it, I'm too tired"
  9. Manipulation master plotting her ex's demise with a cheshire grin. "Checkmate! Custody's mine."
  10. "One more task, I'm done." as he climbed back into the hamster wheel.
  11. Another sleepless night. "WTF am I doing still at work," he pondered. ZZZZZZZZZZ.
  12. My feet are cold, because you keep knocking my socks off!

  13. Addiction, holding his hands to the keys, typing much, saying nothing. Log Out.
  14. Timber! Shards splintering into the abyss. They waited for the words "Total Loss."
  15. Emotionally infantile, functionally illiterate, he'd scrawl musings until someone deciphered his mspelbadgramatese-style english
  16. Trenchcoat and sword in hand... "No" "But I love the ladies," he pleaded ---------------------------------------------------------------- The sequel: Her band, shimmering in moonlight, arose to his pupils, so he could understand.
  17. Here's some holiday cheer--- "Merry Christmas, bahhumbug motherf*&^er," as he lay motionless, impaled by his own menorah
  18. Your next post like this----I give Draco your address. Yes, I know it. I'm the eternal, I know ALL! As for me,
  19. I am beautiful because... _____________makes me beautiful. I am beautiful because I can exert self control and make this the only post I do today (OK that doesn't make me beautiful--I just needed to write it so it will become reality) I am beautiful because... because... hmm... (this is tough, let's try again..) I'm beautiful, because I care about all of you (ok well, most of you ) and even though I probably haven't met you, I take genuine joy in your accomplishments and pain in your losses, as though you were a part of my family. (Don't feel too flattered--you haven't met my family ) I'm beautiful, because I can make BW and others laugh and forget their pain for awhile. I'm beautiful because as much as I get discouraged by the relentless stupidity of-- those around me and those in power, I will always have faith-until my last dying breath-that one can make a difference in this world and if we wanted to, we could make this change happen tomorrow. My penchant for listening when everyone else turns a deaf ear makes me beautiful. Working harder and spending more time to help people with less, instead of on the ones that would give me an easier, quicker, and better paycheck ---- makes me beautiful (That or extremely stupid.) I'm beautiful, because my ability to f^%$ up my life is only equal to my willingness to try and make things better than before. Finally, I'm beautiful because being in Bean Water's arms makes me beautiful.
  20. NO, I haven't even done my scheduled maintenance, which would be the easiest thing on the planet for me. I'm listening to Some Day One Day, an obscure acoutic song from an obscure prog album made by one of the biggest bands of all time-Queen (I emailed the lyrics to BW while we were both attached to others) What's your favorite obscure song by a huge band/singer?
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