I know where Creature's getting his view on Hillary from.
A couple months ago she was in a debate, I think on the east coast, no less.
She made a comment about politics being a boys club or something, and the press had a sh*&storm over it. Anyway, that touched off a month or so of missteps, that put her behind in Iowa. She never recovered there,
finally finishing in third place
Trust me, unless she's speaking in front of the national Organization for Women, that tack will not be used strongly again.
Ironically, why she's STILL top in the national polls is that she seems the most "manly" of the top tier candidates,
(ie tough, unwavering).
It's also due to her perceived "vast experience" (Since when did being a first lady count for elected political office, huh?)
Look at her speeches.
On the stump, she's strong and decisive, as well as being the most conservative dem when it comes to troop withdrawal.
Obama, on the other hand, comes off more friendly and concerened about others (ie more "female")
Plus, he likes to think things through and make reasoned decisions based on
crazy things like facts and common sense. And only after he's considered the different options.
He may have momentum now, but voters seem to like someone who's strong and decisive, who doesn't need to mull things over. Like Him
Of course, we are looking for a change. Maybe, just maybe, dem or GOP, we won't pick the safe choice.
When I say we, I mean non-MI Americans. Since all the major Democratic candidates aren't even on the primary ballot, and even if they were, it wouldn't count (see the Your vote Doesn't Matter thread) I have no say in my Democratic nominee.
But I hope and I pray the rest of America chooses wisely.