So is getting pissed off at the army
Thinking of telling Phee the secret to eating Oreos or anything else and not gaining weight.
It's an amazing technique used by doctors, lawyers, and celebrities everywhere!
And you don't need any tools.
All it takes is a: bathroom
one-three fingers
lack of self-esteem or concern for your future health
I know what you're thinking:
"Now, Eternal surely it worked for others, but could it really work for me?"
Yes, yes it can.
In my new book Bulimia For Beginners
I consult noted experts in the field such as: Miss America 2006
Mary Kate AND Ashley Olson
as well as
everyday folks like my sister: Regional Midwest Amateur Gold Medal Bulimian 1986-1989
Side effects may include seeing spots, nausea, yellowed teeth, lining removal of the throat and esophagus, and in rare cases, death.
If symptoms persist, don't see a doctor. They'll just be a buzzkill and tell you to love yourself and eat healthy, which keeps you from eating Oreos-the main thing in the first place.
Buy my book today, at Barnes and Noble and major bookstores, workout centers, and tanning salons everywhere.
And be sure to check shelves for my follow up Eat Nothing, Gain Nothing! a quick and easy way to a slimmer and happier you---this Christmas.
Thinking that sometimes it's better to be sober and bored than soused and hurting the ones that love you.
It's funny.
Alcohol and infidelity are fun while it's happening, but it's amazing how quickly that feeling wears off,
and all that you're left with is pain and regret.
Sorry if I'm being an ass^&%*.
Ivyavatar, stop looking at me!. I know I should be working. Don't judge me!
Thinking it must be quite overwhelming to be exteremely annoyed at 95% of the world's population at once.
Sad that her avatar changed since I was last here, but realized it would be tough to exude a sense of calm, even for an avatar, while being extremely annoyed at so many people at the same time.
Wondering who Jadis, Jadnifer, and all other these other new J people are since I left?
Nothing can change!
Excuse me while I go on a rant about how City Club was the best place in the world during mid-July 1998, before they allowed baseball caps.
Thinking that I need to control my addictive personality.
I literally just came on here to turn off the enable notification of replies. (Is there a way for that to default as unchecked?)
Worrying that my ex will always be around in all her manic depressive glory.
"I want you back.
I hate you, you ruined my life"
Pick a f^&%ing emotion and let me know when I'm allowed to move on.
Thinking I had one of the most amazing weekends of my life, and waiting for the day when it will be just me and her.
I love her so much.