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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. Feeling relaxed. I just followed up an 8 hour funeral with a 12 hour nap Neither EVER happen.
  2. May I suggest: Babel, The Queen, Pan's Labyrinth, Leters From Iwo Jima, Children of Men, or if you stay home, Little Miss Sunshine-On Demand I love Oscar season! _________________________________________________________ ME-- Starting the healing process Losing someone's a bitch Trying to get back into work for the first time in days
  3. End- The Cure Tell me this isn't one of the best openers for any song I think I've reached that point where giving up and going on are both the same dead end to me
  4. Waiting to see Hille's face again. I miss it. I changed my avatar for the first time in..ever, now it's your turn.
  5. We did what we set out to WE went in We toppled Sadam We disbanded their army (IMO a mistake) We retrained them WE equipped their police We built schools WE helped them start a government based on democratic principles. AND We gave them all the tools and resources to have a peaceful existence. And there's still chaos I say proclaim what we've accomplished, declare victory, and redploy to the perimeter. NOT LEAVE ENTIRELY redploy to the perimieter There are so many other foreign and domestic issues that demand our time and money. Unfortunately, the neo-con dream of democracy spreading throughout the middle east may not come to pass, but we did our best and it's time to move on. My biggest fear is that if we stay in there, the only thing we accomplish is more American casualties and islamic hatred. It's not getting better. It's getting worse. And the longer we stay in the there, this trend will likely continue. By redeploying to the perimeter we are preventing them from invading other lands or trying to expand their reach in the middle east. And by leaving the area, we are sending a message that we want to be viewed as liberators not occupiers. This may restore some much needed trust and respect in the Muslim world. And besides, it's a lot harder to recruit terrorists to fight the "evil occupiers" when theyre's no occupation to speak of.
  6. I was feeling ill, and I thought... what did I used to do when my life was ruled by pain? So, I'm here. I used to fucking rule this thread. Ok, well maybe not, but I whined the loudest, as memory serves. Pity me for being here after a long hiatus. My life has improved much since then and I've gone from hurt with to unbelievably frickin happy for the queen to my king of this thread. (who not coincedentally ALSO left DGN for a life of happiness and true love) Sometimes time off from something gives you clarity and insight into what and where you should be... and it's not here so pity me Oh and 'ello! I missed you guys. You soulsucking vampires!
  7. yeah I notice some of you on here when Im having insomnia except fri sat night :laughing How I noticed it is that Im a loser I wouldnt fret too much BW therell always be one crazed soul somewhere in the world to talk to online
  8. :whistling :whistling :whistling :whistling :whistling :whistling I'm not whistling. Thats me blowing hot air on your feet ( Ask anyone I'm full of hot air) Oh no. I thought you were a super advanced cyborg. Damn =( =( One question, though, are you still the operator with your pocket calculator??? Me? Confused in love as always.
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