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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. I hate clothes. They just make me look a dork. Which I am, but that's besides the point. =)
  2. Down Draco down, down. No, not down there!! Besides, her smile is just the tip o the iceberg. There could be volumes filled with Unchastes beauty. And if you dont go, I will come in the room and turn away that grin, since I am wearing the same outfit :grin :grin :grin just teasing you (though I am wearing my usual at home attire, er, non-attire)
  3. If you're talking about the power of love NO If there was a cheese-off between Huey Lewis and a chunk of Velveeta who would win??
  4. Both. We are starting a new genre. Geek erotica. (The live porn version never got off the ground due to the physique of the male participants =( )
  5. Does the house need cleaning?? That's SOMETHING he could do.
  6. "i lived with people who let the fruit flies win. it was the most disgusting thing i have ever seen. and i had to live there. i won't even get into the nasty stories about it. *shudders*" Well Im not going down without a fight! I will cover this place with plastic wrap, scrub every dish twice, and spray so much raid a new hole in the ozone will be named after ME!!!! Mwahahahaha! BTW, do you ever have those moments when you can actually FEEL your life becoming completely pathetic? EDITED because I always forget that everyone types faster than me, and a half dozen messages went whizzing by while I was typing this. That, and that dancing banana I added was annoying the shit out of me. Im so pissed off and I'm going to put the blame where it deserves, BrendaStarr. Brenda, I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Ok, now I feel a little better.
  7. OK, heres a better one. Fruit flies have declared war on my place and the flies are winning! It sounds funny except when your going to the bathroom. And you start getting itchy everywhere. And company's coming. Oh and Im just waiting for the other shoe to drop at work. Which is no cause for concern because Michigans economy is sooooo great. Im beset by nausea every day, and I just read up on this cure diet called GI2, which basically takes every food out of my diet which would be unnecessary if I wasnt so stressed about losing everything. My love life is torturous even when its good. And Im over thirty and I still dont have my shit together ARE YOU ALL FUCKING HAPPY NOW Ill see you all tomorrow
  8. Edited because Brenda's a party pooper. And I wasnt trying to brighten anyones day. It was my sad attempt at humor, thank you very much. Im just going to sit in the corner and glare at you :blink :blink :blink :blink :blink :blink :blink :blink :blink and blink too.
  9. "SHARK WEEK! You're out of pain meds. Your boss just got on your last nerve. Blood is flowing like niagara falls and this was the day you decided to wear white. Anxiety has taken over and your man just told you to get away til your infection is through. You feel like you need to scream, cry, AND eat ice cream ALL AT THE SAME TIME! It's on! It's live! And you can only find it here IN YOUR VAGINA! at 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, and ALL this week. Shark week! When the blood flows, you'll be the first to know. " Check your local pharmacist for details. Party in Unchaste's pants. It's time to do the happydance.
  10. I never know what you mean. I thought thats why you put up all those groovy signature pics to distract us
  11. I believe in all bad John Travolta films. I dont believe he was sober when he greenlit them though
  12. admiring phee's ever changing signature pics pretending to be working hoping HH doesnt hate me since it's been so long since we've spoken daydreaming about a wonderful woman
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