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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. I wish I could help you, but I usually end up hurting or infuriating anyone Ive ever loved (thereby rendering any possible advice Id have for you pointless,) so I'll just send some good wishes your way.
  2. Im honestly so weak with heartache, I cant fully post now
  3. Damn, I just had a steak. It was juicy and delicious too. I know we're better off without meat. It's tough to avoid though. To stay healthy, I usually dont eat red meat, but turkey sandwiches are a staple in my diet I honestly dont know how to give them up. I also love diet coke and people tell me it's going to make me uber-depressed and full of poison. Any thoughts on sweetner substitutes??
  4. "me"-by Joy Division (Did anyone get that one??)
  5. Is the only man in America with a picture of light up spoons from a cereal box ALSO the only man whos light up spoons actually worked a day after usage (I keep pressing the button, dammmit, Ive got nothing)
  6. will now have nothing to rap around himself for warmth when he bounds across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta
  7. I thought your husband liked you, scratch that, loved you again And dont forget Jesus. He's always hanging out for you. (I was told he loved me EVEN though I was going to a hell I dont believe in. Now THATS some motherf***en devotion)
  8. too many graham crackers and cheez-its ALWAYS cheez-its (where is s/he anyway???)
  9. Im being driven mad by confusion. Things are going so fast right now Im not sure what to say.
  10. should've contacted me about her interest in forming the thread around unchaste's breasts AND doesnt know that I'm the founder of the religion Unchastity (see pity party a week or so ago) and that with an entire faith grounded in things unchaste there is soooo much more to worship than her perfect triple Ds.
  11. to get some fucking sleep AND for the g-ds to explain why EVERY time I have something good about to happen, they snatch it away OH and for the police to call me back so they can UPS my wallet-(I was robbed this weekend)
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