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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. becoming green with envy of people who are already enjoying their weekend and playing cards. Ill be working til 6 or 7
  2. I know this isnt quite appropriate for the pity party, ( posting it because it's been a common bitch) but I just passed a Speedway that dropped gas .40!!!! to 2.99/gallon :woot: If you told me a week ago it would be 3 bucks a gallon I wouldve shot you. But now Im happy. I may actually afford to go to Chicago (not that Id have a choice if I couldn't)
  3. But she meant to tell you there's something else. The afterworld A world of never-ending happiness. You can always see the sun, day or night. So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills, you know the one, Dr. Everything'll-Be-All-right, instead of asking him how much of your time is left, ask him how much of your mind, baby. 'Cause in this life, things are much harder than in the afterworld. This life you're on your own. And if de-elevator tries to bring you down, go crazy - punch a higher floor.
  4. GOC/Daevion: I'll combine your two posts along with a bit of damagedangel thrown in: Pondering why the hell I'm working for the evil empire Oh, and taking all of Unchaste's ex's phone calls "Nope, no she doesn't, sorry, um, the answer's still no, AND, of course Could you please take her off your list?"
  5. It figures. Successful and/or well-adjusted people eat sushi Im allergic to fish. I was the very hungry caterpillar yesterday. Seriously, open that book to the last day of the week. That's what I ate. Today, I think I'll eat one green leaf.
  6. No you're not. Because then I'd be old. Clock DVA- Hacker
  7. Unfortunately, only the pious get a refund. If you cash in your chips you'll be tied to a post in the fiery depths with me. Please don't yet, though. I've been with amazing women from around the world, but I've never had even a drop of bean water lick my sweet face If you're wondering who did make it into heaven. " I'm sorry, the correct answer was Mormon" -South Park
  8. likes doing the backstreet boys in her back door in back of the CC when they're back in town since backstreet's back all right?
  9. Has converted masses to Unchastity, the hottest religion ever to revolve around the worship of Unchaste
  10. Never, my ladyship. At $3.40/gallon, you should perish the thought. I am in talks with TheLordShaper to convert to Unchastity (the name of your new religion) and share a ride to Nectos or CC in the coming days. Then, we will meet, I will pump your gas, buy you some drink, and we shall retire to Ye Olde Fleabag for nary more than sixty minutes of proper worship in your temple. I will leave the type of worship--- ( ) to your choosing. That is all.
  11. Phee has plenty of worpheepers. That's why we need to spread the word bout the new religion of unchaste. Tagline: Don't Drink Don't Smoke Don't Apply! Only those who have taken on Unchaste as their lady and savior may enter her temple. I myself have many times thought about entering her temple, but I KNOW it is only reserved for the most giving, the most devout, AND the most willing to buy drinks and pump gas. When I am in Detroit, I will be ready to consummate my dedication. Until then, I encourage all of you to stop "worpheeping" and start worshipping Unchaste as she (not Phee) sees most fit. My lady, you have the floor.
  12. Early Happy Birthday DD! I'd get you a nice present, but since I don't have a bevy of big breasted bisexual bodacious babes, this is the best I can do.
  13. Have you tried telling them you have your own religion and many worshippers, and that the best way to pray at the altar of unchaste is to pump your gas? That should work.
  14. ?????????????????????? Oh, BTW, since I hate coffee, anyone want to share a glass of piss water Dt Mountain Dew with me. I'm awfully tired and cranky and it's already 1P
  15. Where do you get to love paying $3/gallon? Here, in mid Michigan, I'm doing the happy dance over $3.40/gallon. PLUS I'll be driving to Chicago to see family and friends where I can *really* afford to be paying over 3.50/gallon. (Anyone got $100 for gas???) My brother better take me to f***ing Neo or Exit while I'm in. Enjoy your weekend, gang
  16. That's because we all were created in Cheez-its image. And anyone that disagrees will die a fiery death.
  17. Wheaties. I've decided no longer to be a loser, and therefore will only be eating the breakfast of champions in the morning. What do us wildly sucessful people eat for lunch/dinner???
  18. :blushing :blushing :blushing :blushing :blushing :blushing :devil :devil :blushing :blushing :blushing :blushing :blushing :blushing
  19. Oh honey, I had no idea. Can I get a couple on loan for a few days??? I promise I'll put them in the return box by Monday.
  20. Coldplay-Untitled (Til Kingdom Come)- written for Johnny Cash
  21. a plum and a nectarine (fruit's supposed to make "it" taste better) Now I just need to find someone interested in it
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