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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. The vacuum cleaner I'm still at work. Somebody rescue me!!!!!!!!
  2. Desiring rough sex right now I'm soooooo angry and stressed
  3. Joy Division-Transmission (JD is my official work music this week)
  4. Joy Division- Atrocity Exhibition (I have a bit of a pattern going here---that or a funk however you want to look at it) All those in a funk right now- "This is the way, step inside"
  5. I love your pondering. I look at your avatar and want to go off and dream.
  6. Joy Division-She's Lost Control Oh wait. We're on to Atmosphere (off my own JD mix) I could listen to this song all day long.
  7. Bad Bad Hopefully you got some sleep last night. Im sorry again for those bad bad
  8. I hate home burned cds passed off as "like new" Their sellers can line the tenth circle of hell
  9. Windy-The association (through my workplace speakers-is it trying to tell me something?)
  10. the sound of the dorm fridge at work. It awesome! kinda like Metal Machine Music, but taken to the next level
  11. The Eternal-- It's morning and I'm home so...nothing Sorry, my wardrobe is really boring. I need someone to send me some gothy clothes. It can be like those magnetized figures where you put mix and match clothes on it. Clothes for the clueless. What do you think? It's a long drive, but sure. I'd love that. I told HH the only thing I can wear to city club is silk boxers. She told me Do not pass go, pay community chest $250, and gave me a card that said "Go directly to hot topic" <Hrumph> (I will admit, I do rather enjoy wearing the flesh-colored suit. I've owned it for many years and I find it fits me quite well.)
  12. It's morning and I'm home so...nothing Sorry, my wardrobe is really boring. I need someone to send me some gothy clothes. It can be like those magnetized figures where you put mix and match clothes on it. Clothes for the clueless. What do you think?
  13. I'm..waitin' for my man. 26 dollars in my hand Up to Lexington, 125, feel sick and dirty more dead than alive I'mmm waitin' for my man
  14. Wait a second is this not the post whoring thread? :blink :blink Sorry :blushing :fear :fear :fear
  15. I want to know everything I want to be everywhere I want to fuck everyone in the world I want to do something that matters
  16. I want someone to enact a law that banishes those fucking popups that flash at you-and-flash-at-you-until-you-close-your-eyes-and-they're-still flashing-at-you-and-you-open-your-eyes-and-all-you-wanted-to-do-was read-a-goddamn-story-but -you-can't-because-of-the-flashing-so-you click-the-x-to-make-it-go-away-but-it-takes-you-there-anyway-and-you find -yourself-buying-the-entire-collection-of-celine-dion-just-so-it-would-go-away-but-then-even-more-pop-up-in-its-place-so-now-you have-the-entire-collection-of-michael-bolton-and-gloria-estefan-and-you try-to-kill-yourself-but -you-forgot-that-you-were-a-celine-dion-fan-now so-your-heart-will-YOUR-HEART-WILL-GO-ONNN!-and-so-you're-coming-out-of-the-dark-and-you-get-wasted-on-boones-farm-and-its-not-really-boones-farm-but-bad-faygo that-fermented-from-the-last-time-a-juggalo-left-it-at-your-house-years ago-to-celebrate-that-some-final-fucking-jokercard-had-been-released and-you-don't-even-know-what-the-hell-that-means-and-all-you-really care-about-is-getting-your-stomach-pumped-and-you-resign-yourself-to a-locked-jail-cell-of-you-bread-and-the-dgn-website-since-its-the-only place-that-doesn't-have-those-popups.... anyway, that's how I arrived here -
  17. I want both pomba gira and kichijoten to have the best of health. They're great and they don't deserve this Hep C crap. I'm pulling more for Kichijoten because I like that name better.
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