I'll do it again.
I can't go one the political threads, COTN is in, because I'll get angry, since my views so differ from him and he's so likable otherwise.
I've found that throughout my life countless examples of total dickheads that have my political views to a T, and super nice people thatif we talked politics, i'd want to murder.
I HATE THAT. I like my people in pretty little boxes (Liberals good people conservatives bad---Unfortunately, in real life, the only people that truly feel that way are the dipshits in DC representing us) For everyone else we can't help but liking the good people who come from all stripes.
Oh, and apparently after being gently prodded back on the board, I started a bit of a storm and got a thread pulled. Umm...sorry about that.
Oh and good to see Meg again. She's good people.
As is katRN. They have my back.
And I'm hungry and bean is in the living room wondering what I'm doing.
Oh, and I feel as if I drove around Detroit for a food pantry, and almost died so old people can eat.
I think that gives me DOUBLE g-d points.