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the eternal

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Everything posted by the eternal

  1. He left the screaming brood. Swept away to nerd-filled bliss. Happily ever after
  2. I love Peter Murphy, but the next time a CC DJ decides to put on Cuts You Up for the 100th time, well, as they say in Hollywood, FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpdwNDXeh_U Then end the evening with this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYlRVowjTrI I'm sure I've posted these two before. They're a couple of my all time favorites. (Zebulon really kicks in at 2:30)
  3. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein (You know I love you )
  4. Yeah but they look 14. I'm not a fan of that look. And since I'm the eternal I decide what all of you may or may not have hots for. Or not. No you don't. they just look really young. It'll hit them at some point. It always does. I aged 7 years in about a week. It just happens all of a sudden. Eww.
  5. I feel like Slogo is tearing me apart! Why not suspend hope instead? That way you can come back to it later, just in case you want to have a booty call. You know just a one night stand of hope before you go back to despair. He can only make you do what you let him do. At some point you need to let go of him. You can still feel hopeless and depressed if you want, but to even start on the right path, you need to take the first step: He will no longer be a part of your life.
  6. Are you sure? Heaven is cold without any soul. It's hard to believe You are so in love with them. Your secret is this love is love is love this is all
  7. Is it wrong that I am post-stalking Slogo, just so I can see Tommy Wiseau screaming "You're tearing me apart Lisa" in his signature?
  8. Oh Hai Slogo! Those people who say you don't have good music taste. It's bullshit. It's not true. I did not say that. I did NAHT!

  9. That's really too bad. I've always liked your posts. I'll be honest. Some of the DJs seem condescending on this board to those that don't know everything in the scene. You actually went outside that and started posting interesting shit that even people in the scene don't know much about, like the 60s stuff. It's tough. A lot of us want to go to cool weekday stuff many of you post for (I really want to checkout the noir retro) but we have long workdays, or in bean's case, night classes and we need a bit of sleep. But that doesn't mean we're not interested. It's my mission to introduce everyone to Suicide's 1st album. Even though I know it won't be on any City Club playlist. That's cool. HERE HERE! Reading Tygerlili's post made me sad. I felt like she said. "I hit DGN and the clubs and made all my friends. They're all on Facebook now. Off to FB I go" I like that Slogo acknowledged SOO many of us met our friends here, our bfs gfs partners even spouses on this little board. We should honor that by keeping coming here!! Imagine what friends we're missing out on by not checking in. With my work, I can't come on here as much as I used to, but I love coming back. And I'm sorry. As far as the censorship complaint-- I've said some pretty scathing shit, (there've been some really fucking stupid people that have come through these doors) and I'm still here. There is a certain person in the political forums who is constantly saying shit. Hell, there's one in this thread! You CAN speak freely. It's when you start saying nasty personal shit that you get in trouble. Fuck Facebook. That's why I +1ed all Chernobyl's posts in this thread.
  10. Meg, you just don't know how to look unpretty. Great hair, great picture.
  11. Like I don't want to clean or get ready. Like I'm so sick of working so hard for so little. Like I wonder if my friend going to fall in love with another girl who doesn't challenge hime emotionally and intellectually, so he can prolong have a meaningful relationship for another 5 years. Like I'm not ready for someone to visit tomorrow, but I know it'll be fine. Looking forward to a friend's holiday's party.
  12. Great songs on here! American idiot is perfect --------------- MINE I don't think this is the best song of the decade, but it says a lot about the 00s. About how people hide behind anonymity of the INTERNET to proclaim deity status (and who knows what else about themselves. But it can also be taken as an indictment of pop culture, with reality stars and celbutantes being famous for being famous, and us rewarding people for being idiots. (ref back to green day) Or as this youtuber, posits, as a reflection of the arrogance of the Bush administration and them not needing proof to engage in preemptive destruction. I think of it even as a position of arrogance in general, with people like Bernie Madoff and Jack Abramoff, thinking they're indestructible. ------------------------------- The best song of the 00s? That's impossible. I don't know. Instead I'll just pick the most pretentious sounding song title of the 00s --- Auberge Le Mouton Noir (That and these guys were great at the Magic Stick--good late night music) To respond to an earlier poster (with far greater personal musical talent than myself), I can confidently state that not only is Milkshake not the best song of the 00s, it's not even the best Kelis song of the 00s THIS IS media]
  13. Hey everybody, I have an announcement to make. Slogo and I: We're expecting!

  14. I'm pissed at you. You tricked me by saying you wanted to give Brenda a hug and then ran away :( You should have stayed at the party. It was fun. Hopefully beanternal will see you again soon
  15. I'm posting this so hopefully I can look back and be pleased with my progress. I still look okay due to my frame, but I think I've gained 30 lbs since MANFAST. It's okay I really enjoyed the food I ate. (The worst would be to eat regular food and get fat anyway) I suppose it's time to turn over a new leaf. 30 lbs until I can take my shirt off when people ask me to get naked at a party 40 lbs until I feel I look pretty good. 50 lbs until I'm happy
  16. It looks like you've got things figured out. Good luck with everything. We'll be here for you. I really hope SK gets a great job in January He deserves it. ------- I had a GREAT time yesterday! CANDY ODIMS: If you are lurking--We love you! You throw great parties and it's always nice to see you. AND we got to see Brenda/Jeff! It's been too long. Oh and Tszura/NG --Beaver ONE (you lock the target) Beaver ALL (you bait the line) Oh Hai, Slogo of Sins, it's so nice going to your party too! You are always so funny! Hahaha! My ass was in Astral Crux's face and she didn't open her eyes. She did NAHT! --- Now I feel like going to bed but that's probably not wise.
  17. I like that. ----------------------- Quoting himself, he validates, in his mind, that he is, indeed a meesenger. ------ "Go fuck yourself" was taken as directive for sex with her favorite person. ------ He smiles and starves as she Facebook-fucks his good friend and coworker.
  18. I'll do it again. I can't go one the political threads, COTN is in, because I'll get angry, since my views so differ from him and he's so likable otherwise. I've found that throughout my life countless examples of total dickheads that have my political views to a T, and super nice people thatif we talked politics, i'd want to murder. I HATE THAT. I like my people in pretty little boxes (Liberals good people conservatives bad---Unfortunately, in real life, the only people that truly feel that way are the dipshits in DC representing us) For everyone else we can't help but liking the good people who come from all stripes. Oh, and apparently after being gently prodded back on the board, I started a bit of a storm and got a thread pulled. Umm...sorry about that. Oh and good to see Meg again. She's good people. As is katRN. They have my back. And I'm hungry and bean is in the living room wondering what I'm doing. Oh, and I feel as if I drove around Detroit for a food pantry, and almost died so old people can eat. I think that gives me DOUBLE g-d points. WIN!
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