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Anna Phylaxis

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Everything posted by Anna Phylaxis

  1. Sad, because the father of two of my league mates died from a heart attack, yesterday. He wasn't much older than me. Disappointed, because I'm home alone. And today is probably one of those days where I wish that I wasn't. I need to be held in the worst way possible. Sorry to be so down in the mouth, guys...
  2. I'm still a little high from the news that I made the Dean's List. Me. The dyslexic kid. Holy shit. ME.
  3. Like an A student should: Fucking AWESOME.
  4. Amazing, because my psych 101 grade is the highest. Terrified of my math final tomorrow, even though I think I'll get an A.
  5. You know that feeling when people don't appreciate everything that you do for them? The one where it's a constant fight, just to avoid an argument? That's how I fucking feel.
  6. I still can't believe that I got in...
  7. Stunned Shocked Just blown away. I tried out for the Detroit Derby Girls boot camp last night. I fucking got in.
  8. Fucking stoked. I got a perfect score on my psych midterm. Being an A student is cool.
  9. I got an A- on my math midterm. Mind: blown.
  10. Agitated. How dare you fucking put me into the middle of your family drama? I'm only your kid's coach. Your issues are between you and her father. What the fuck.
  11. I think that I did some pretty cool hair on some pretty cool people, today. But I think I need a different level of satisfaction...
  12. That this could be my chance. Is it?? Ugh...I won't know for a week.
  13. I'm excited to go to K-Zoo this weekend for the derby tournament!
  14. More than just a little warm and fuzzy, after reading this: "Random Battle Creek players behind me are talking about you. They are glad your team isn't playing because they don't want to play against you."
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