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Anna Phylaxis

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Everything posted by Anna Phylaxis

  1. Sorry. It was early and I didn't bother to put on my glasses.
  2. When someone steals from a kids league, thinks he got away with it, steals from his job, then gets fired for it,aste of Karma's visit the taste of Karma's kiss is sah-WEET!
  3. There are a lot of pretty sights in MD. I miss it. I'll go home the last week in October to see my Mom. Fall in MD is beautiful
  4. Maryland NEEDS good people like you. They sure as hell don't have a good selection of people in your field.
  5. I'm thinking that my old dogs need diapers, and that I can't wait til I have new carpet. But I'm in no hurry for Angel and Ben to pass in order to GET said carpet.
  6. I remember a time when Phee, Paper Hearts, and I were the top posters, and our posts were in the 20's and up... Where IS everyone?
  7. LOL, Troy... Current location? Sterling Heights Where from? Baltimore, MD Gender? All girl Work? Licensed cosmetologist & roller derby addict School? Not if I can help it Kids? Ian, 18 & Sierra, 16 Married? Like my life depended on it Hobbies? Roller derby.... How Did You Find / hear about DGN? I've ben here before How did you pick your DGN name? It's my derby name
  8. It's a double-header, and it will be a blast!! Come see the future of roller derby, and listen to me announce with some guy I've NEVER worked with. $7 in advance, $9 at the door. AND, you can get to City in PLENTY of time!
  9. Maybe a group field trip is in order
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