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Nymada del Sol

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Everything posted by Nymada del Sol

  1. My friend, Dj Ophelia asked me to join and help this place grow.
  2. One of the other issues is the fact that people always try to project their beliefs on others. I personally dislike abortion, but that doesn't mean that everyone else has to as well. I am mature enough to be able to have a strong opinion without feeling the need to make everyone else agree. This is the issue at large. It's people using the law to force others into doing and believing as they do. Laws are not supposed to be a tool of oppression and control. It's supposed to protect. If someone doesn't like abortion, fine. That person does not have to get a abortion. But it's wrong to force everyone to do the same.
  3. People tend to mistake fun and enjoyment for immaturity. And boredom and dullness as maturity.
  4. I get to name your old lappy. I need to figure out what I can name it.
  5. My concerns exactly. The "singles only" pretty much excludes poly people in relationships and it implies that everyone there will be looking for monogamy
  6. I have asperger's syndrome and I'm poly. Wouldn't work out for me. I get panic attacks when rushed.
  7. Tell me what you think when you can?
  8. The scene yes, but Gothic stuff in general? No. I tend to be one of those cases where someone "is a natural" when it comes to this kinda stuff.
  9. We should continue this in another thread. We have trailed off the original subject for too long.
  10. Agreed. And as far as abortion rights go, no woman should be forced to carry to term any child. It isn't a equal endeavor. The women are the ones dealing with all the risk. Dealing with the complications of birth. No one should have say over that besides the pregnant woman.
  11. Why should soldiers be forced to be in the closet? Straight soldiers were allowed to be seen in public with their mates. Why not non straights?
  12. The military poked their noses in military personnel's private lives and outed them. The repeal protects them from such transgressions. I think you misunderstand what the repeal means and what DADT actually did.
  13. I don't like it either. But there are a few successes of the president's that get overlooked. He's helped remove don't ask, don't tell and has made big steps in anti-discrimination legislation.
  14. I was completely unoriginal and built Optimus.
  15. I'm a virgin when it comes to the Industrial scene. My friend introduced it to me.
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