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* Board Super Kyūseishu - Reloaded *
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Everything posted by TronRP

  1. Now I feel like I hate everybody again! Some idiot just kicked in my mother's back door!
  2. Oh great! Not to sound paranoid, but I think I might have an eye parasite. Every night at the exact same time, my left eye stings like someone is poking it with a hot stick pin in exactly the same spot. Seems like there is always something freaky happening to my innards. Time to schedule a doctor visit...
  3. 13 users: 2 members, 11 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Google, Saint Germain 12:32am 14 users: 3 members, 11 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Illuminatrix, Google, Saint Germain 12:47am 16 users: 3 members, 13 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Invictus, Google, Illuminatrix 10:22am 23 users: 6 members, 17 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, *Siren*, Google, Jinx, injultimi, LadyKay, StormKnight (1) 10:42am 22 users: 4 members, 18 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Google, Chernobyl, injultimi, Saint Germain 11:21am 20 users: 4 members, 16 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Google, torn asunder, Jinx, LadyKay 1:00pm 28 users: 4 members, 24 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Google, Saint Germain, Jinx, Facebook, LadyKay 1:30pm 18 users: 4 members, 14 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Google, RoseNews, Enishi, Jinx 2:53pm 20 users: 5 members, 15 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP,Oh_My_Goth,Vater Araignee,Google,Jinx,LadyKay 3:03pm 29 users: 5 members, 24 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, StormKnight (1), Oh_My_Goth, Facebook, Vater Araignee, Google, Jinx 10:07pm 28 users: 3 members, 25 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, LadyKay, Google, Chernobyl, Facebook 10:27pm 30 users: 2 members, 28 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Raev, Facebook 10:50pm 22 users: 2 members, 20 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, LadyKay 11:08pm 27 users: 3 members, 24 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP, Google, LadyKay, Facebook, Saint Germain 11:44pm 15 users: 1 member, 14 guests, 0 anonymous - TronRP
  4. I think I might be coming down with something, every time I sit up, I find I am just waking up from sleeping on my face...
  5. Howdy Howdy...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  6. Not to sound funny, but I thought it was just me...I have been feeling that way for the past 2 days which doesn't make sense to me since I have always been alone to being with...
  7. White Castle Hamburger and Cheeseburger with Cayenne Pepper
  8. 14 users: 3 members, 11 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, creatureofthenyte, LadyKay
  9. Exhausted! Just got in from fighting traffic in Rochester, Madison Heights, Roseville and Grosse Point.
  10. Paying for yet another office visit supposedly covered by insurance. Wonder what happened there...
  11. Aw forget it...30 minute nap here I come!
  12. Feeling like I just lost valuable time. All this faxing, signing and online filing really took a chunk out of possible sleep time. Now I've got to get ready to leave in about 90 minutes. Still got about 6 hours more of errands to run...and most of that is just drive time. Totally in the realm of a Whatever moment...
  13. Finalizing online payee report filing
  14. Got to get ready to chauffeur to Rochester
  15. Watching AMVs on RealPlayer while signing and scanning Claim form documentation for AAA Authorization. Faxing aforementioned documents...
  16. Wow this is a first, feels like there's nothing there. Wonder if this is a calm before the storm moment?
  17. Cookies and Cream Formula 1 Express Meal Bar
  18. Still reeling from the Robot Chicken Christmas Special... Contemplating whether or not to run some late night errands, or wait until after the doctor's appointment in the morning...
  19. 21 users: 4 members, 17 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, nimouspiffiny, Saint Germain, Google, Jinx 12:32am 30 users: 6 members, 24 guests, 0 anonymous users (See full list) TronRP, Class-Punk, Google, Facebook, Saint Germain, nimouspiffiny, Troy Spiral (13), Jinx 12:44am 26 users: 6 members, 20 guests, 0 anonymous users (See full list) TronRP, Google, Class-Punk, torn asunder, Facebook, Saint Germain, nimouspiffiny, Troy Spiral (13) 8:14am 20 users: 3 members, 17 guests, 0 anonymous RoseNews, TronRP, Google, Jinx
  20. Watching Legend on Encore ...oh the memories
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