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* Board Super Kyūseishu - Reloaded *
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Everything posted by TronRP

  1. Checking my bank account...oh well...not so easy come, but definitely easy go...
  2. Nicktoons marathons currently the Power Rangers Super Samurai
  3. Greetings...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  4. Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  5. Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  6. Outside of emotionally brooding: Paying Property tax increases, Signing AAA docs to reinstate insurance, Filing Representative Payee Report, Reviewing MIDCH HMO SNP eligibility report, SSA Benefit report, AAA Payment Negotiation report. Scanning all aforementioned documents...
  7. oh no...here it comes again...I hope everyone is ok...please...
  8. It's a no brainer to be vulgar...it takes creativity to turn vulgarity into art...
  9. 15 users: 3 members, 12 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, Vater Araignee, DJ Nihil 1:51am 20 users: 2 members, 18 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Jinx, Google Mobile 3:30am 20 users: 3 members, 17 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Jinx, nimouspiffiny 5:13pm 19 users: 2 members, 17 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, Jinx 6:50pm 18 users: 3 members, 15 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, Jinx, torn asunder
  10. Ludo: The Horror of Our Love http://youtu.be/5AF3Fc8n1QA
  11. I'm so used to using hand me down equipment and electronics that I find it difficult to replace them once they have finally reached the proverbial last leg...I'm such a nerd...
  12. Yep ...it's official, my neighbors are crazy. In an attempt to hide their antics, they cranked up the music. Unfortunately, they now have to yell over the music to curse each other out while someone sounds like they are getting the major league crap beat out of them. There's just too many big attitudes living in one tiny two family flat ...whatever
  13. 13 users: 2 members, 11 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, *Siren* 10:12pm 18 users: 3 members, 15 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, doggymonster, LadyKay
  14. Feeling internally damaged - fell asleep before I took meds...
  15. Chocolate Cake Carrot Cake Eckreich Hot Dog + Bun Neapolitan Ice Cream Vanilla Preilene Ice Cream Rotisserie Chicken
  16. Searching Google for new Top Hat design ideas.
  17. Getting ready to set up for an early morning birthday party for my niece...
  18. Salt and vinegar Pringles Peanut Butter Snickers
  19. Greetings...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  20. 24 users: 2 members, 22 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Google, Facebook, Vater Araignee, Yahoo 4:22am 17 users: 4 members, 13 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Jinx, Google, Class-Punk, Saint Germain 5:53am 18 users: 2 members, 16 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, Shaun, Google, Facebook 6:36am 19 users: 4 members, 15 guests, 0 anonymous TronRP, XR02lwvgu, carpRwyrovth, Google, Shaun
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