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* Board Super Kyūseishu - Reloaded *
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Everything posted by TronRP

  1. Me at CC if I looked like a Vocaloid...
  2. *googles Kim Sin* ...admits defeat... Nope still lost...
  3. I wonder why not many people want to play the games on DGN. I think they are rather creative...especially the picture association game...
  4. My goodness, some things smell so foul! There should be a law against that kind of stank!
  5. I think someone has been watching me dance at City Club
  6. Betty Davis and Vincent Price Growing up I thought they were Hollywood
  7. Betty Davis and Vincent Price Growing up I thought they were Hollywood
  8. Setting up bill pays so I can get that out of the way.
  9. Sugoi!! Wow! If that's you...you are mesmerizing. Such imagery...a total package...definitely could not look away... Which is better than I can say for myself... For I am but a pep-talk clad in lace An invisible dark embrace A silent tear in my soul Hidden among thorns Originally, I came in search of like-minded individuals to help me feel as though I belonged somewhere... I think the verdict is still out on that one...I have recently discovered I may live in the city, but I am sheltered...
  10. Monster Rehab: Rojo Tea + Energy
  11. 21 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 2 members, 19 guests, 0 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name TronRP, Troy Spiral (13) 8:11am 26 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 3 members, 23 guests, 0 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name TronRP, Troy Spiral (13), Raev 9:13am 25 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 2 members, 22 guests, 1 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name TronRP, Google, eatdirt426 10:55am 27 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 2 members, 24 guests, 1 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name TronRP, prick, Alexa 12:44pm 26 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 3 members, 22 guests, 1 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name TronRP, LadyKay, Troy Spiral (13)
  12. Hooray...I am awake early yet again to try to get some work projects done... I will be highly disappointed with myself if today ends the way the rest of the week has... Me crashed out on my futon thinking of all the stuff I could have gotten done in a 24 hour period... Depressing, just depressing...
  13. I don't get it, how did made for syfy movies come to be so impossibly B rated? I used to look forward to watching the exciting alternative world of the weird and unexplained during the 90's. Now I just find myself becoming disappointed and upset at the bad acting, impossible action scenes and off CGI. I suppose these story lines made for good screenplay scripts in theory ...
  14. TronRP


    Sweet!!! That is like road trip to Ann Arbor type of music... Me likes... So a Delien CD get's this in trade?
  15. Hey dude...told you I was old... That's why getting carded is so exciting to me...
  16. World Domination OK, so DGN isn't the world, but then again it's all a matter a perspective...
  17. TronRP


    Not sure if there is anything specific I'm looking for...I'm really old school, so any new bands past the early 90's is kinda like new stuff for me. Especially since I did not recognize any the the names you listed... This is like a cool music research project for me. By the way...are you able to download i tunes? The YouTube community always has members that are into all types of music. I usually start on YouTube and end up on eBay or Amazon when acquiring different musics.
  18. 33 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 10 members, 23 guests, 0 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name TronRP, Pryme, Facebook, eatdirt426, torn asunder, Slogo, Ice Queen (1), Chernobyl, StormKnight (1), LadyKay, ceponatia, Google
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