Sometimes I feel like I'm cursed...
It's getting really hard for me to stay positive about liking stuff.
Without fail, every time I join something or go somewhere that has been around forever, they miraculously and suddenly end or go out of business.
I have really been holding my breath about another thing I will not name...I don't want it to be next.
My sister thought I was being paranoid until she witnessed some of my experiences first hand...
Now Kubos just had it's "last night" right after I mentioned it was the perfect spot to help with my need for night hawking...
I'm so use to disappointment which is why I try not to involve myself in outside forms of escapism...
The SyFy horror movie run was going good/OK until 11pm...
Sitting here watching this lame a** movie wondering is it just that hard to make a believable horror flick???
Interestingly, I definitely feel you on this topic.
Unfortunately, I am limited to the number of people I can debate about regarding that issue around here.
I come from a long line of highly religious (not fanatical) individuals and that kind of talk gets me in hot water every time.
However, since half of my family are "sensitives" talking about ghost and the supernatural is second nature.
I see this post is over 7 years old, so you probably already know about this store, but it is the only contribution I have.
I shop at an online store called "The Pyramid Collection"
Shop Themes include:
Africa |
Candles & Incense
Celestial Realms
Eastern Philosophy
Laurie Cabot
Love & Sexuality
Personal Growth
Tarot & Astrology
The Goddess
Wicca & Witchcraft
It's nice that people want to help out with my projects around here, it would just be more efficient if they had the same training.
The last thing I need is for a relative to try to assist with balcony repairs, trip and fall to their death while obliviously singing church hymns...
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5 members, 19 guests, 0 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name
TronRP, creatureofthenyte, Google, prick, Troy Spiral (13), LadyKay
This is the cutest character I have seen in a while...adorable
(OK it posted last year, but I have only been poking around on this site since July of this year...)
I'm no makeup artist, but I really wanted to try to make myself up as my profile picture this year.
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that...but it would look so cool.
Bad, physically bad. I knew I shouldn't have taken a nap.
Whenever I lay down, my body rebels...not fair.
If I can't get this under control, the only option left is to let doctors cut on me.
I feel like that would make things worse in the long run...
But doctors feel different about it...