Interestingly, it appeared that the number of members generally dominated the number of guess on this site until a certain discussion which took place in December of 2006. Members then seemed to have fallen off the face of DGN.
In 2008 it appeared that there may have been several promotional type of events taking place, thus sparking a major interest in DGN. Soon after this increase, it fell off again.
Does anyone have information on what gave DGN such an increased following during those days? I am curious as to what changed and if that type of phenomenal success can be recaptured in the near future...
3 members, 33 guests, 0 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name
TronRP, DarkLord, Yahoo, Saint Germain
5 members, 20 guests, 0 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name
TronRP, Coffeenated, Illuminatrix, Google, torn asunder, Saint Germain