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* Board Super Kyūseishu - Reloaded *
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Everything posted by TronRP

  1. Just stopping by to say good morning...Good Morning :)

  2. Love your profile pic...beautiful :)

  3. Just stopping by to say good morning :)

  4. Love your profile pic...sweeet!

  5. Truly gorgeous profile pic :)

  6. Trying new personal therapy today...stepping out side of my comfort zone and leaving a post on as many members' profile pages as I can before I have to leave...thought it would be fun...hope not to tick anyone off (if they are having a bad day)...just feel like spreading hellos :D

  7. I LOVE your DGN Name!!! :D

  8. Cool! Love your profile pic...couldn't stop smiling!

  9. TronRP

    Morning...I decided to step outside of my comfort zone today and leave random post on as many members profile pages as possible...want in (just stalling as long as possible to keep the day at bay)...lol

  10. Love your profile pic...Sephiroth?

  11. Love your profile pic. I declare I have seen that character before (or at least one like it...)

  12. Greetings...Sweet Profile pic

  13. Love your profile pic

  14. Love your profile pic

  15. cool profile pic...sweeeet

  16. love your pics

  17. Dang! I could get more work done if I stop forgetting where I lost my mind...

    1. Illuminatrix
    2. Dead~spirit


      "Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most."

    3. Nate Kriepp

      Nate Kriepp

      you can borrow mine. I'm not currently using it.

  18. Yay, Thanks a bunch, bumper stickers arrived yesterday...:D

  19. TronRP

    Jina Box is open from 8pm to 2am (used to be 4am, but not enough business). We were going so often that Jina actually knew us by sight LOL

  20. I was mainly freaked out about the teeth in the fish's mouth, but... THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only one feeling that way. As an engineer with a background in science, I tend to find that most journals and sited material, especially online, are written by some individuals with a little bit of knowledge and a world of imagination. Not so long ago, it was easy to research various topics and know that you were reading material cross referenced and verified by a legitimate scientific community of degreed individuals. But with the onset of the online social network, misinformation travels faster than most urban legends and later quoted as fact. I maintain a somewhat skeptical view with regards to documentation and altered images I come across on the internet, but I do find most of the information rather entertaining. I utilize other methods when venturing on fact finding missions. Also, I haven't had a chance to see Animal Planet in about 3 years...
  21. What type of Horror movie are you? My Results: The Golden Oldie You are the Golden Oldie, the ancient horror movies that nearly everyone knows. While a bit painfully boring for newer viewers, you were the true scare of your time. Most Golden Oldies are featured in black and white with very few special affects and poor camera angles, but everyone loves you because of that. You are the original start of horror in all its splendid and cheesy glory, and you are also the inspiration for many of the new horror film directors. Some Golden Oldies would include: The Wolfman, Frankenstein, Nosferatu, etc.
  22. You Are 8% Evil You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm. Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want! This is one of the results from the quiz, How Evil Are You? WOW...
  23. I truly admire those who can bring their art to light as you have. Most people do not realize how difficult that is while staying true to your vision. Beautiful
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