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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Glad to see they have lowered the prices for the event. I shall be there NYE for the first time in a few years.
  2. That was a frickin awesome video lol. I have to admit that it seems like a movie with what they are doing. A secret society plunging into hell and giving hell for the people. Inquiring minds wanna know, what may be the hidden agenda? lol
  3. *talks hans n frans-like* Ya, yoo talk like pirate and sound girlay! Yoo need monsta outfit to pomp yoo op!
  4. Late Sept sounds good to me as well. Hoping that I will be in a job that has the weekends off by then. I hope to have plenty of money so I can purchase a couple more needed items that go into my armory. Sucks that they don't allow tied weapons anymore though. Just doesn't look right using something in place that doesn't look good without the real thing.
  5. I might end up going since my date for the night had to cancel. Might cruise up with the hearse for a while.
  6. Hidee-ho neighbor! Just passing by to say hey man.

  7. It was good to meet the new faces, and see the old again. I for one recognized Dave right away and I am pretty sure he knows. Been too long Troy and it was good to see you and the new look. That is actually a good look for you. I also was able to see The Eternals entrance in his manpers and his Tommy characterization from The Room. Good times and I was at least able to get some of Friday's fun on video. Next year I shouldn't have a job to contend with to deter me from participating again. And thanks for making Jen (now Jenocide) feel comfy and invited in the group. Helped her while I was away although she got carried away Friday night trying to hang with the big boys and girls lol.
  8. My linkhttp://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=6606999 Wow did OSU blow up amid this whole ordeal. It may be blown a bit out of proportion because of some money and items changing hands, but I guess the rabbit hole goes deeper than first thought.
  9. Same here, just saw it yesterday. Good movie. Although I kept wondering about how those other actors felt about having Johnny Depp breathing on them after hearing about how horrid his breath was lol.
  10. Right now Cher I am all over the time spectrum since I restarted being local. But they are making me take Fridays off now instead of saturdays. So now I have to work all weekends! Trying to get into another job now.

  11. yeah in our system, we pay way too much for losers to sit in prison and get better meals than poor people, and watch cable tv and get to harden their bodies to bully people once they get out of prison. Its just too bad that the innocent in prison would fall as well in my ideal prison life.
  12. Been a long time since I had went, but I didn't stay long due to the lack of a crowd and the abundance of the type of crowd. Had to get home before I got too tired anyway lol. Good to see the usuals (Tyger, Dave, Shawn, Rambo, Aaron, Bean, Dusty, and Sandy.)
  13. Yeah I think the whole culture of the male over there is overbearing. I see in chatrooms now all these males from the middle east coming in and expecting women to strip and show things. They have absolutely no respect for women at all. To have done to them as they do onto women, is only justice.
  14. Cher, can you message me with a way to get my money to you whether its bringing it to you (depending on where you live), or paypal? I opted WITH the recreational pass for both my pickup AND the hearse so I could show up in either or. Hoping I can skip out on work Friday night so I can be around both Friday and Saturday. I need to look into getting a tent as well. Might need it anyway if I don't get into a place before my house sells or forecloses lmao. Oh and I'll save everyone the eyesore of seeing me naked. At least until I get back in shape heh.
  15. It would not have been an issue had he not denied everyone to see it over the 2 years. Have to remember that when Hilary Clinton was running against him, she brought up the birth certificate issue first. With the name he has, I'd be suspicious as well. But I think every President and politician should have to provide these proofs, just as much as we as citizens have to for passports, renewals for anything, and whatever else. Its bad enough that politicians already exempt themselves from a lot of things including murder. Why not make them all go thru one extra step, no matter who they are? Afterall, we ARE living in a world where people are actually acting out scenarios from tv shows thinking that they might just work in real life.
  16. Bad employers that have disrespect for their employees
  17. Yeah I saw the graphics on that game and thought it would be worth buying it. Still haven't defeated the prior 2 yet before going onto another game. I need to get to work on my zombie games I have barely played!
  18. Oh come now peeps. Just go and enjoy it with an open mind. I have found that I enjoyed all the movies that people criticized or didn't like. Don't overanalyze....recognize :D
  19. Bringing this one back up as now they have set a date for the movie to release in 2013. This should blow the former versions of the movie away.
  20. Agreed. At least someone is making something happen and airing out the corrupt people and institutions whether you agree with it or not. You can hate on them, but in the end, they are doing a lot of vigilante justice.
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