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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Being at a friends house, the toilet paper running out, and not being able to find another roll in the bathroom. How do you get out of that shituation?
  2. I laid in a pricker patch to get the angle of this cross while visiting Restless Oblivion in England back in 99. It was sitting under a tree that looked like a hand with creeping vines weeping to the ground. The light reflected through the branches which would work for using lightning to refract an image onto. Eventually would crop the cross out, invert it, and paste it to a lightning background. Created a black fog to black out the city image that was below. It was rather early in my photoshopping days, but I still enjoy it. Was thinking of putting the image on the back door of the hearse with the effect that it was behind the punched out metal.
  3. My avatar is my new favorite. Took it while standing in front of my hearse, parked at a halloween store having some fun with the prop and casket and helping the owner draw business. Rare moment to actually have my photo taken in most of my Reaper gear, esp in the daylight ha.
  4. Damn, must be some sort of fragrance you wear that draws the douches near. Sorry to hear that. As for me, same ol same ol lol. Probably remain single til the day I die. Probably blocked people for so long that I am used to it and won't feel anything for anyone. Cold days, yet it doesn't seem to be a problem for me.
  5. Ah, I will be on the road all day thursday as usual. Get back Friday and have my family dinner at my house that night. Wish I could join you, it sounds like a cool idea.
  6. Bummer i had to miss both Type O Negative and City Club happening on a Halloween night. But I had to attend my little brothers wedding that night over in Jackson. It was ok, just wish that he had it another weekend than the one I like to enjoy every year.
  7. Can I have a link to back that up? All I have been able to find is that Greco-Roman religion was far before America was formed. All that I can see is Christian and/or Catholic references to the American era.
  8. Not entirely sure if I agree or not with that. But I wanted to say that the founding fathers of this country founded this country with Christian beliefs when writing our Constitution i.e. In God We Trust, not In Allah We Trust. So basically, American and Christian go hand in hand. (reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States) Only later on did we modify and add that other religions could practice their religion here. And yes, he said in Arabic as noted by witnesses, "Soldiers reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — an Arabic phrase for "God is great!" — before opening fire Thursday, said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the base commander. He said officials had not confirmed Hasan made the comment." -AP Press http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091106/ap_on_re_us/us_fort_hood_shooting Personally I think the guy had identity problems. The guy was even born on American soil, but was changing his loyalties based on his study of extremists sites.
  9. Yeah, but also if you do that, we are the ones that pay to have him live in royalty in these prisons. Even if he isn't living in royalty, he is living off our taxpayer money just like the rest of the pond scum.
  10. The thing that bothers me though is that he was taking part in discussions and thoughts about suicide killers as being an honor like a soldier jumping on a grenade to save others. This guy's thoughts were changing him into an extremist I think, because as he said, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were wrong. In an interview that I listened to from a Lieutenant, they were keeping an eye on possibilities that our own troops have sleeper cells in them. I think the longer we deny the thought that just about all terrorists are muslim (not to be confused with muslims being terrorists), and that they are all over the country acting as regular citizens, the more damage they are going to do to this country. They are using our own laws and ways of life against us.
  11. Hmm, I might have to lower my expectations of the Lions season to one, MAYBE 2 wins lol. Omg did they suck against the Rams. Hell, it was showing on the tv guide that it was televised but I guess they blacked it out.
  12. I thought the movie was ok. I might have been able to wait to see it on dvd, but it had doubled what Saw 6 did in the opening weekend so I went to check it out. For a $15,000 movie, they raked in the dough for sure. Sucked or not, they made millions on it.
  13. Just stopping by. Greetings >:^)

  14. I think letting them dress that way is over the top. Its just feeding the sexual predators fantasy to the point where they look at all the little kids that way. And using the makeup to make them look older isn't smart either. Let them grow up when they get into their teens.
  15. Please refer to the movie Zombieland on different ways to take out a zombie. What this guy did was lame.
  16. I think people are going too far with all the Obama stuff. I definitely can't wait to see how this term turns out. Should be interesting to say the least.
  17. Well now they are out Stafford and Culpepper (at least most of that game), and had to go to Stanton who hasn't played enough this year. So with all the linemen getting injured in the Green Bay game, they are looking more and more powerless. They should still win 2 or 3 more games at least against Seattle, Cleveland, and St. Louis. But we shall see.
  18. For those Type O Negative fans, this was done up years ago before he was the centerfold on the Playgirl magazine. He was interviewed about women throwing themselves on him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPDD19l_xWE Didn't think to look up these items on YouTube, but it certainly comes in handy for videos you never see or hear about.
  19. This is why they have been raising commercial traffic speed limits up closer to regular vehicle speeds. The difference in speed has caused a lot of accidents, esp when the truck needed to get over for an emergency vehicle on the shoulder.
  20. That is amazing. I just saw this link on another page before coming on here. Talk about having something higher on your side.
  21. yep, the mother and father are ex-reality show h00rs. They are just trying to get publicity by talking their own kid to helping with these stunts. They were on 2 talk shows today and when the same question was asked of his father, the kid took that as the cue to say he wanted to vomit and proceeded to look like he was. I think the parents should face a misdemeanor as a result, as that is the max they could get.
  22. You are actually pretty much right. When I speed, in most states, I can hire a lawyer for $200-$300 to talk to the prosecutor and they will lower my ticket to a non-moving violation. It may cost me a little more than the actual fine was originally, but its worth it to keep my CDL offense-free. I have paid at max so far, $500 to lower a 10 over speeding ticket. They would rather take the money and let you take a chance on messing up again.
  23. Bad gas and being cooped up in a truck when its cold outside. Don't wanna roll the windows down and get cold, but I don't wanna suffer either. :D
  24. Try being a truck like me and trying to leave a space between me and the vehicle in front. Everyone seems to think that its an open invitation to invade my safe space. Marc is right though, not enough is taught in schools and I think some deadly results should be shown to shock the new drivers into submission. I have always said that little displays on the screen at the Secretary of State are not enough to teach people about being around trucks. I plan on someday going to the local school here in Howell and seeing about bringing my truck down to show new drivers what a trucker sees in his mirrors and how far it takes to stop that truck. Hands-on experience is one of the greatest things to have.
  25. ACTUALLY, it was Clinton who started NAFTA and pushed for more global trade as said here. http://www.historycentral.com/Documents/Clinton/SigningNaFTA.html
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