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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Ah one of these days. Been so wiped out with things going on. Even brought my hearse to a Halloween store saturday. Pics coming.
  2. Just goes to show you that there is more asskissin going on in this world because of WHO Obama is, which is the first african american president. He comes from Chicago, which has had a lot of corruption so I am sensing a direction here. Not that getting the Prize was his fault, but that things are not what they seem in this world anymore. Everyone is so fascinated with stardom, and now they are putting him up on a pedestal before anything is accomplished. Not a good thing to do as now the pressure will be immensely on Obama's shoulders to produce results.
  3. My guess is that you should lower it again lol. Of course they lost all traction in the last half. They at least looked good for part of the game.
  4. They still have a few teams that they could beat like St. Louis, Chicago, Seattle, and Cleveland.
  5. Thats right, I do my job of taking them, but the family has the responsibility of burying them.
  6. Yeah and I for one cannot stand that fish. When I was a kid, my step-dad and mom went up north smelt fishing and brought back 2 garbage bags full of that shit. I was eating more tartar sauce than fish. This is why i don't fish much anymore. Way too much in the past.
  7. Damn, wtf. I think its pretty damn dumb to make people pay stiff penalties for not opting to take health insurance. If they opt out, they should suffer the consequences. Government wants everyone, healthy or not, to pay because the ones that stay healthy just keep paying and maybe not even using. That money they pay goes to pay for the rest of them who are unhealthy. The government also saves money off the healthy ones because they rarely use the service. That is how this is partially funded. Its also the way money is redistributed from those who have money, to those who don't. Socialism. On the soda side, I think that is already happening. Prices have already gone up to $1.59 a bottle in some places like Tennessee at the truck stop I stay at every week. They also are starting to phase out the 20oz bottle and replace it with a 16oz with the 20oz price. The one liters have gone up to $1.79 or $1.89 now instead of $1.69 as it used to be. They may already be preparing for that sin tax. Did anyone ever notice that when confronted about the politicians actually going on the same healthcare as us, that they declined? If they wouldn't even go on our healthcare, why would we? They don't pay a dime for anything, thats why. They ride their way to the bank on the taxpayers backs.
  8. Ok, lets address the opinion that, "the number of new patients that are uninsured will flood the system with the lack of doctors needed to help them." I keep hearing that doctors will go into specific fields instead of general practice because of the liability and the lowered wages due to competition. There is also supposedly not enough doctors ideally right now to cover such a flood of new patients. Will this not lead to waiting lists as described? I believe that is why they are saying that the OPTION will create waiting lists. What say you? (haha, I know. I sound like Bill O'Reilly.)
  9. Though I am not sure which side of this issue I am on, I do have to acknowledge that I can see why insurance companies do not want nationalized healthcare, because they stand to lose money by means of competitive government money. One thing they DO need is tort reform so doctors are not sued out of existence. I DO agree that people without insurance should have access, but the BIG question remains: How do we pay for it? I have worked many jobs where I have paid to have health insurance and can say I have rarely ever had to use it. I certainly don't want to be taxed to death just to cover those that COULD work, but don't because life is easier on food stamps and government assistance. I would gladly pay money into a third party fund that would help those in general need of healthcare. Personally, I would rather see that happen rather than force everyone to lose their ass to taxation.
  10. Been finding it interesting that ACORN would praise the journalist duo for finding issues within the organization, then go ahead and sue them. Does this organization know what direction they are going??
  11. I think Gaf misunderstood and thought you meant from YOUR perspective about the attacks on ACORN when instead you were stating that ACORN itself was considering the attacks on its organization were racist? As for my 2 cents, I also think its about time. It was obvious that something was going on when its members were collecting votes and telling people to vote for Obama when they were not supposed to be a biased organization. I think it was all forgotten about until the pimp skit came along. Its one thing to have a bad employee here and there, but to have this many so far in different criminal acts, is justified to be known that there has to be a systemic problem going on. Alot of those ACORN members just seemed too laid back like they have been taught to do this like it was the right thing. I have also been noticing that the left have quite a few of their own extremist views and refuse to acknowledge any problems. Sure the right has their own, but in every instance, they have been slammed to the pavement. When the left has done it, they look at people like, "What? Nothing wrong with this!" Time for change already and this is why we need a more balanced House and Senate, so one side doesn't push all their crap on the people.
  12. Someone waiting for a parking space at Walmart holding everyone up when 3 or 4 spaces back was an empty spot. How retarded is that? STOP BEING LAZY F00!
  13. I remember another rocker horror movie that came out along this timeframe as well, but it wasn't this one. I will have to research it, but it was a corny movie like this one is, although I love corny movies.
  14. Indeed, it does look good. One to add to the checklist.
  15. I have a neighborhood picnic thing going on all day along with college football Saturday so not likely. If I go, it would be on a sunday. That and I am going to try and make another party over on the east side later that night.
  16. *hits head* haha oh right. I have seen the term before and knew what it was. Sorry, brain fart.
  17. I'm still single officially and have been enjoying it. Between being on the road all week and working on things in the house and going to events, I haven't had a lot of time. Been kind of working on someone on the side but we'll see what happens with that over time.
  18. Always love that saying, except with additional "...and die!" in your name lol.

  19. I think we might as well dump everything and go back to the origins of the Constitution and restructure what politicians should make by the citizens of the US. They along with CEOs of corporations are making way too much off of our taxpayer dollar. I have no problem when a CEO makes what the company profits from, but when politics is involved and they are bailed out from us, then in return charge us billions in fees and charges, things should be changed. Policy in politics is entirely corrupt.
  20. Most times I confront the person about it. But there have been a few times where I just let it fade without words eventually. At least he told you even though it was in that form.
  21. Here is State Representative Mike Rogers from Michigan and his take on the current health care bill. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=G44NCvNDLfc
  22. Yeah, I have liked the Patriots too when Detroit has been out of the picture. Kinda like rooting for my U of M football team and anyone else who is playing Ohio State lol
  23. What are your predictions on how this year will play out? Also discussions on players is also welcome. And in my opinion from what I have seen so far, seems to be fair to say that they will at least win a game lol. But this is preseason and things can change drastically as they have in the past. So far I think Matt Stafford isn't quite ready to be the starting QB. So my prediction for the season out of 16 games will be 5 wins, 11 losses. There are just too many other teams that look really good this year.
  24. No wonder there are so many hauntings from back in those days. They tended to creep themselves and each other out!
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