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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Troy's interests have all the html tags included in it, which is part of the reason why you have to scroll so far down to get past his post.
  2. I have had Sprint for a long time now, I think 8 or 9 years. The only complaint I have had with them was hearing the foreign voice that you could barely understand for customer service. Since then they have had a variety of customer service reps from other countries like Canada which made it a lot better. But I since I have been with them for a long time, I have nights and weekends starting at 7pm, $5 unlimited texting plan and 550 daytime minutes which I just use for my job only so I can write off all the bills on my taxes as an over the road expense. Since I drove all over the country they had the best signal, but unfortunately at home here, the signal sucks. Maybe a bar or two around the edges of the house or out in the driveway, but inside if I sit in my office a call can be dropped easily, so I have to stand near the windows or doors.
  3. About time this chic was taken out of office with all the abuses of power she has made. I'm sure there are a few left to be looked into, but damn am I glad to see this drama whore out of her position. Maybe she can have a bake sale and sell her bullshit to nobody that cares.
  4. Some really cool stuff on there. Should get into some pins to go on jackets and clothing. I have a hard time finding that stuff even on ebay.
  5. mosquitoes dammit! They ruin a nice outing outside.
  6. Reaper

    You are welcome. And spank ya very much.

  7. haha how did I know that when I clicked on this thread, a loaf would be mentioned? Pinch a cheek
  8. No no, you are not a Batman kind of d00d, more like Titanic kind of d00d lol.
  9. Reaper

    Ok so Pillsbury Doughgirl! lol I KNOW you aren't a boy :p

  10. Add that cost with the rise of natural gas and gas rising again for automobiles when the price of crude has only gone up a little per barrel. Seemed the last time it was $70 a barrel, gas was only $2.25 or so a gal. When it first hit $70 this year, it was $3.00. Glad it has come down since then since the fuel was cut from the fire.
  11. Damn, you guys are so hard to please. Not every movie is going to be top rated with everything you like lol. Just sit back and relax and watch it
  12. Reaper

    *pokes you back and hears a Pillsbury Doughboy laugh* Into the oven you go lil Doughboy! For now you will be eaten!


  13. Hate morning breath then you have to brush your teeth/use mouthwash before you talk to someone in the morning.
  14. People who can't come out with why they are not talking to you all of a sudden and for no reason. Tell me to fuck off and die, but tell me something dammit lol.
  15. I am bettin everyone that was affiliated with him will come out with a book. When you have a star that blanks out everything else in the world and almost shuts down the internet because of people wanting to verify, then you know you can make money off the death of the most famous man on the planet.
  16. I nominate either Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or Lindsay Lohan because of their drinking/sexuality binges and because natures revenge is a bitch. Most likely it would be Lohan.
  17. Wonder if that was the guy who ended up outside when I was sittin at the hearse. His mouth went off and one of the bouncers took care of business out there lol. Some chunky dude with short black hair I think? He definitely didn't make himself a future city clubber heh.
  18. Hey, I didn't know Dragon was there. Wtf lol Next time woman, introduce yourself!
  19. What a great night. Nightgaunt proposed to Tszura on the stage (happy for you two), got some great music playing between Void6 and Jon Noble, ended up having a good breakfast downstairs after leaving the club at 1:30am, and hung out most of the time outside with my hearse until closing time. Then Scary Guy brought his hearse behind mine and we had a lot of people checking them out. That is what I call a great night. Oh yeah, and big titties don't lie!
  20. Yep, I think that was the right place to have it anyway with the small amount of people that came in 54. Had alot of good old school tunes that Ty had on. Also, nice to remeet you again Osaka
  21. Personally I thought it was better than the first as well. Critics are full of shit anymore. If its not a movie they like, they don't rate them high. Screw them, I loved the movie. Different takes on Devastator and Jetfire though. Cool to see soundwave and his minion ravage.
  22. Hey that is a good combo of DJs. I am hitting up Ty's party downstairs, and then coming up to CC afterwards. Gonna drive Mortis on down there and its much better since I can lock the car :D
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