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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. You know man, as I have told others, if you need a ride, just ask. You need to hit up this party for once Its going to be big as the number of people who have told me they are coming is growing.
  2. haha, but your keyword was "possibility" not positively
  3. Whereabouts do you live? I am sure some people will be coming from your direction. If you can't find a ride, I will get you.
  4. He looks alot like Thomas Haden Church from Spiderman 3 as the Sandman lol http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0002006/
  5. Ok, I managed to buy 4 patio chairs at least from a garage sale for $3 a piece. Good deal for good furniture. I have some tiki torches in the back by the fire pit with some mosquito repellent oil to burn. Enishi, are you coming out dude? Wondered if you were bringing some more of that good tasting stuff you brought to the past couple of parties.
  6. Yeah it was a great show although we were sitting out in the lot drinking and thinking that NIN won't be on til 8pm or so. Thought we heard someone bumpin some music nearby and the security came around telling us that NIN has been on for the past half hour if we wanted to know. We thought, holy shit! and walked fast up to the hill. Tickets said 6:30pm and we figured that was when the doors would open. Come to find out that was when the first band went onstage! I guess on Sundays they want to get the concert finished because of the noise ordinance. I did stop at the box office with headlessgoth and bought a pair of tickets for the Slayer/Manson show. Saved a lot of money doing it that was rather than going through Ticketbastard. Got some decent seats in the pavilion too.
  7. No, its correctly put BYOCs, Bring Your Own Chairs so we can spread some more ass seatage around lol. I am going to do some garage saleing and see if I can pick some up.
  8. Isn't a whole lot we can do except put more pressure on China since it seems that N. Korea gets a lot of its supplies from China. Have China cut them off and lets see how long those 7 million reserves can live. From what I hear, the main reason China isn't doing anything about it is because they are long time allies as well as China doing well and not needing to put up a war. If N. Korea threatens harm to China, I am sure the international community will back China up and show N. Korea that is has no choice but to back down.
  9. Bummer, your lap will have to become community property then. Either that, I can lend out mine lol.
  10. Ah, I DO need chairs. I am totally stripped of any, so if you have any, please bring them!
  11. Is that Rayne and Phee or someone else? I may be out there as I am hoping the mechanic will be finished with the hearse. Its also the start of my vacation so its time to party.
  12. Had one of those back in 1996 who is pretty much the one that drove me to the dark side. She was a childhood friend/neighbor and years later hung out with her and her family. They had lived in Florida so they would come visit up here during the summer. Her and I hit it off and went out for awhile, then I went on vacation for a couple of weeks and she went with me as we took a trip on the way down to her home in Florida. She was going to get some things and come back up with me to stay with her grandma so we could continue going out. Well, as soon as we got down there she did a total 180 on me. She would take off with her friends and leave me at her parents house to do nothing. I ended up finding things to do just to get by. If I had been smarter at the time I would have taken off and said screw her. But I stayed til the end of my vacation time. Even got so drunk from being so depressed and hit up a redneck party with her and her friends. I ended up leaving and never looking back.
  13. Not sure why the price would be different. Is it because of the Electronic fest going on? The user Leland City Club put this down on the Who's Going thread above this one: Doors @ 10pm OPEN till 4:30am THIS and EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY Night ! ! ! Cover = ONLY $3 before 11pm, $4 after I personally wouldn't pay more to get in except for New Years.
  14. I will try to at least visit ya guys. If GM goes bankrupt I may end up on unemployment anyway so I could end up partying with ya lol.
  15. Well the party is only going til 8pm or so anyway. I have to get Sasha back to the airport by like 5am or so. And ok Shade, I guess that will be good enough. At least she is doing well though unlike that mother and child of hers that are on the run from the chemo. I'm sure you have heard that one.
  16. I saw you but I think you were dancing and making out with a chic, so I decided to try to find ya later lol As for sglgthmom pRick and I kept an eye out for you as I have seen you on here for a long time and was looking to meet you. But we never ended up finding you.
  17. My favorite line, What number am I thinking of Bill and Ted? 69 dude!!
  18. No! Bill and Reapers Excellent Adventure! Wait, that sounds so wrong in a perved way too. Crap
  19. Ahem! *copies and pastes again* Something going on MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE REAPERS BBQ?!!?! Ok, now REALLY where is my beatin stick??
  20. If I make Reaper's Big Bubba burgers, they will come. Hey wait, that sounds like a great line for a movie!
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