There was a thread on this not too long ago if I remember correctly. I have a huge collection of old school anime from the late 80s and into the 90s when I bought them regularly. Nowadays, I have to start buying them all on DVD so I can get better quality. I have a lot of the old titles like Akira English dub and subtitled, Demon City Shinjuku, Violence Jack series, Wings of Honneamise, Peacock King, Fist of the Northstar, Wicked City and much more. I got into anime when I first saw Akira and how gory it was watching it. Buying some of these other titles, Akira was nothing in gore compared to others I have now. I even have a lot of the gaming movies like the many Street Fighters, Darkstalkers, Samarai Showdown, and Battle Arena Toshinden. Great stuff to watch.