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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. That is why I said, personally, it fit for me. It wouldn't do much good for someone with many conditions or constant health drama. I have never had any broken bones or serious health conditions to date that would cost me a lot in healthcare. *knocks on wood* But yeah, you are limited in the beginning to how much you can use before you would have to pay for the rest. But as I said, for me, it would normally be continually growing without a stopping point, thus saving up for a rainy day. I don't want to have to pay out the nose for penalties for not opting into the healthcare. If they want me to stay healthy, they should give me incentives to do so. I personally think that a national healthcare would give anyone an excuse to come in for the common cold. Me? Rest, plenty of liquids, and keeping things sanitary are my incentives for staying healthy and not costing the taxpayer any money for coming in with a simple health problem. Edit: Oh and for the broken arm thing, that is why I would opt something like AFLAC to help the costs with the health care. Its a good SUPPLEMENT for things non-work related.
  2. LOL it wasn't an explosion. Just an eerie weigh of snow.
  3. That was a great video. Are you using some of Dixon's Violin in it? Saw you guys at the Masquerade Ball this year. I think I am going to have to do a video section on my website and add this one on there.
  4. This is amazing video and looks and sounds like something taken from a natural disaster video. It collapsed due to too much snow on it.
  5. Personally for me, the HRA accounts worked for me. I haven't needed to use healthcare for anything serious in many years. And with an HRA I could have banked up a lot of money for something expensive that could arise. My personal national healthcare would let me use a national HRA account. Then it would give me incentive to stay healthy and bank up for a bad day. Link for what an HRA is: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hra.asp For people like me, I would rather have something saved up for a rainy day, which is why I favored an HRA. My employer would have $2000 into an account each year and if it went unused, another $2000 would be thrown into the account making it $4000 altogether. Each year accrued more and more. And if we wanted, we would opt an additional side insurance like AFLAC which would cover anything outside of work which was fairly cheap at $25 a week for a lot of coverage. My current Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance is like $10 a week but we are very limited on what we get. What I am wanting more is the dental coverage which is ok, although I need to find a dentist that has no overhead. Last dentist I used sent me to a root canal specialist that ate up over $800 of my $1000 yearly. Had I went to someone who didn't have much overhead, that would be half. That is my 2 cents.
  6. Found this in a blog just today and had to laugh. More people around the nation should make it more difficult or expensive for these particular parasites to operate:
  7. I saw Brighton used the snow machines to get its ski hills ready and people were using them now.
  8. Hell yeah, movies like Santa Claws with Goldberg in it lol. Its possible I could. Haven't thought that far along yet.
  9. I enjoyed watching Backspace in those days. That was around the time DeLien was playing.
  10. That is where I hung out often before going to City Club all the time. I think Lee did well with what she could afford and deal with there. The backroom was always full of interesting people and I miss them. Can't replace that place.
  11. Damn man, glad I could get you out of the shadows for once lol. I will get by. My loan modification is going to make my house payment super easy to make. Its just that its going to be probably ready before I can pay the lawyers off, which means a tighter budget again. Once I get past that and the truck being paid off the middle of next year, I should be golden. I know I will get through it, but for now I need to lay off the spending. Sprint was threatening to disconnect me if I didn't setup a payment soon for $150. Cable internet might get disconnected too if I can't get them paid another $150 as well. Everyone wants money, but I only have so much to give to each one lol. Its ok, I will go to other people's parties.
  12. I am going to cancel this party at this point. I just can't get enough time and money to make it anything close to decent. I wasn't expecting to payout the ass to have lawyers help me keep my house. On top of that, the loan modification may go through sooner than expected and I will be back in the same shit I was before where I now owe a house payment AND a payments to a lawyer along with everything else that I pay on. Times are just too tough for me at this point to keep up with it.
  13. Yes, I am having difficulty keeping some time available to keep working on it, but I will be winging it come close to that weekend, like buying props on the Friday before. Damn work sucks on time management!
  14. If Chernobyl is going to attend then all hell is going to break loose. I better pad the walls and put earplugs in the kids ears :D lol
  15. I think she got that storyline from the actual event that took place a couple of years ago where someone threw acid on another womans face. Believe I just heard the update on it that the woman was charged with attempted murder or something serious like that. Anyone else believe that common sense is becoming less apparent and stupidity is taking over? Must be the increased pesticides and processed foods. heh
  16. Gotta admit that things are dismal and statistically, Detroit does suck. But I do see that they at least have a more serious working mayor in office that seems to be doing a lot of cleaning up and making the decisions that no one else wanted to make. I still love going to Detroit for its historical value and landmarks. Its the outer bands of the city that are destroying the name for the city. If the people of Detroit would not expect to be bailed out, they might be better off getting together and becoming a community instead of watching everything go to ruin. There are just far too few people that are willing to do a small part in the effort to bring Detroit out of the slump.
  17. I think you did just fine at that bbq back then. Unfortunately Sasha wont be able to make this party as she wasn't going to for the 23rd either. She plans on trying to make it the Monday the 25th I think. Evee, probably not as we were usually in passing and you were being hounded by dudes lol. I remember seeing you along with Josie at the photoshoot Jeff was having though.
  18. Changing the date of this event to Saturday the 16th as the 23rd seemed to have too many conflicts.
  19. Awesome, I will check it out online. I have a hard time finding vinyl, pleather, and nylon pants anymore that aren't for some beanpole. See if they can help. lol
  20. What is Showtime? Nevermind, I looked it up. A clothing store I take it?
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