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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Are you saying you want on top of me now instead of Brenda? I mean posting-wise
  2. Like Volleyball, where I bounce you up and down and then toss you?
  3. No silly, I ask, "How can I serve you?"
  4. Don't worry about him. He always has a way.
  5. No you crazy woman you. Its for stacking them on the post and seeing how many you can get on there! Like the Playschool toys!
  6. You know what they made holes in them for right?
  7. I told you, even fucking them is out of the question right now. Would you like fries with that?
  8. I would say I have a couple but I am currently working on utilizing them. Thank you, please drive thru.
  9. One of my fav songs. Real dark and dreary. Ever see the Land of Confusion video from Phil Collins? It has those Spitting Image puppets in them. I miss those old shows.
  10. I take everyone for granted. Random babble of the moment: Mmm forbidden donut ~(_8^(0)
  11. YES!! Ok, you asked for it literally. 10,000 spankings under the sea
  12. :blink :doh I have been a loner most of my life. Stop whining.
  13. Love Bites - Def Leppard. Couldn't be further from the truth.
  14. Ok thats it! Everybody! Out of the pool! And no more coffee for ANY of you! Please note the exit signs to your right and to your left. Yes thats it, notice and walk it!
  15. Troy needs to seriously add my past posts from the other board. He has seriously neglected his active duties! lol
  16. Seriously, you all really need a 24 hour job that isn't on the computer. :fear
  17. I have yet to have someone send me an email from there. Must not be a lot of people near my area, though sometimes I venture out a little bit out of my way to help someone. Just have to wait and see.
  18. Damn, sounded like everyone was adding money to their account lol. I never realized I had 874 posts on my old account. Now I see that I came aboard one day after Marblez did. I think she was the one that egged me on. Also, please add my request for my join date and post count Troy. Thank :devil
  19. I should be there. I need to pick up my replacement bootlace tassle from Marc that night. Also told Daevion and my friend Dave that I would be up there. Maybe meet up with a couple of people after the RenFest closes for the night. Hey Crank, got your number working again yet?
  20. Yep, here here. My body is still feeling like a box of rocks. Too much humidity, and I ended up having to wake up at 1:30am to head to Indianapolis to bring a FedEx load back up here to the airport. I will finally be getting some sleep after I post. Should be there next weekend as i will have a 3 day weekend. Probably do it after RenFest or something.
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