I don't see why they can't include other options to include like cross-state insurance bartering, TORT reform, as well as the dems side of this bill. Why not make it a super-bill that takes the best of both worlds? I know for one thing, charging me a "fine" for not opting health insurance is not my idea of a good bill. So far I have been without insurance for a long time. Anytime I needed to go to the hospital, I was able to pay for it in a lump sum, or in payments. As long as I HAVE A JOB, I can keep this up, and better yet with a job that offers health coverage. Seeing as the economy is seriously lacking in jobs, I don't see how passing health care will help right now. Seems an endless chasing of the tail maneuver.
I say its great to have children covered in this health care bill, but don't mandate it on everyone just so you can cover the bill. But then, I guess this is what Obama was talking about when he explained to Joe the Plumber, "..spreading the wealth around..." was what he planned to do. Getting exactly what he said.
I just hope that they can somehow keep the irresponsible bums out there from abusing my taxpayer money. There are a lot out there who give up on everything and soak up what they can from unemployment, health care, or any other avenue they have to get what they can before going on the side of the street panhandling. Personally, I have too much respect for myself to get down to that level and would starve before asking people to pity me. But if we can't get job growth in this country, the dividing line between the rich and poor is going to be significant. I just think that they need to do something about jobs before healthcare.