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About amalthea23

  • Birthday 08/14/1975

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  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    In a Relationship
  • Location
    Long Island, NY
  • Interests
    All sorts of things. It's best to ask :)

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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. I'm in NY, if mine was $300 a month, I'd be SINGING with joy. Ours has been up to $800 a month. It's a f'n nightmare. We also found out our neighbor was likely tapping our meter (we found a buried cable) and when we told the electric company, they said it wasn't theft of service because "we were paying for it." Charming, eh?
  3. I just don't see how they're going to go as deep as the comics do in the next section of the Governor story. The comics get REALLY intense, and this is still a basic cable show.
  4. Sorry guys, forgot to post the sale details! Use code BLACK and get 25% off your Attic order through midnight tonight. Good no matter WHERE you live! And U.S. orders of $50 and up get FREE SHIPPING!!!! http://amaltheasattic.com
  5. Hey, guys! We're having a 20% off sale in the Attic! When you spend $50 or more, use code 20FOR50 at checkout and you'll get 20% off your order! It ends soon though, so get a move on! www.amaltheasattic.com
  6. The comics are really good. The art is extremely meh, but the story is great. Plus, you can DL em and get 'em for your cloudreader app!
  7. I just finished the Cellist of Sarajevo and really enjoyed it. I didn't think I would, but I'd recommend it now.
  8. That is awesome. I should really do that in my front bay window, it's largely blocked by the chameleon tank anyway!
  9. Hubby and I want to either be frozen or have our brains downloaded into a computer. If the latter, we'd like my niece to preserve our skulls so that we can keep them on a shelf.
  10. Just rewatched REC in preparation for REC3, that is one fine little film.
  11. Hey all, one of the guys in my office is a pinball whiz and he just created this game. it's free and he'd LOVE feedback! Check it out on facebook and let him know what you think! http://www.facebook.com/JunkyardCats
  12. Wow! Thank you so much! We've been working on the change forever, it was so exciting to finally see it happen! Glad you like it! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
  13. This show is now making me SCREAM at the screen every week. It's quite unbecoming!
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