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Everything posted by diana2di

  1. i know it's been a long time since i've been on here. i'm not fully back but i just wanted to say hi and that i'm now living in west virginia and have been since march. i miss most of you on here. some i have found on myspace a very few on facebook. so if you want to get incontact with me message me on yahoo. info in profile... to troy i miss talking to you alot. to some of you... you are new so i really don't know you and to the older members i miss you all as well. and if i ever get a chance to make it back to michigan (hopefully next summer... crossing my fingures) i will try to take time to see some of you... no promises since my son is 5 years old now. but i just wanted to stop in and say hi again and that i do miss you.
  2. no because with out information there is no way to know if i could do anything better. if you could change one thing in your day what would it be
  3. both... it depends on where i am and why i'm swimming... where do you want to be at in this moment of time?
  4. hell no... france had one revolution i don't think it needs another what would you do for a kit kat?
  5. fiction more because i can loose myself away from reality and dream more. who is your favorite murder mystery writer?
  6. hercules and the twelve trials because as a child (late childhood) i was into greek mythology. what is you favoirte story of all times?
  7. something that sometimes can be entertaining or annoying (especially when there is nothing worth while to watch)!!!! what have i missed so far?
  8. do the edits on the script involving the unspeakable acts that can happen and then turn it in to be made into a movie
  9. yes and no... happy to get rid of the humidity and the colors of the leaves changing but will hate for winter to come so what do you enjoy the most about fall?
  10. hell yeah people irrate me... but then i irrate other people so it's anever ending visous(sp?) cycle. what is the worst thing you would do to someone who pisses you off? (imaginary or real... it doesn't matter)
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