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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. ....not every guy *waves* or troy
  2. massaging my wallet, just dropped 500 for textbooks
  3. watching old Twilight Zone episodes...that Bill Shatner is a stud muffin lol
  4. just keep positive as best you can, good things will come around again if you can just keep your head up
  5. i miss beaver island, my secret oasis of relaxation
  6. i shouldve gone to a real school. i had a 33 on the ACT. i couldve gone anywhere i wanted and probably got a scholarhip...these bastards never gave me a dime
  7. stressing...the college is supposed to announce scholarship winners today
  8. sports memorabilia autographs macabre things (just got a box of door numbers from the old state mental hospital up here) mantiques
  9. im single...i need to import a goth girl lol
  10. oh and news flash...you'd all love the new costume I'm making... Here's 2 hints: 1) I work for the CIA 2) my goldfish is German hehe....yes people...yes...it is...
  11. thinking my neighbors need to die They have two little yappy dogs...and only one lead in their back yard...so they feel the other can just run free and do whatever it wants...including harass my dog. My lovely family refuses to say anything...it's been going on for two years. Now the lead is long enough to get into my yard and wrap around my yard art...but I'm still supposed to take it up the ass. Oh...THEY JUST GOT A THIRD DOG!
  12. I'm a dude...doing dude stuff lol No really, I'm a rennaisance man and artist. I design haunted houses, I take pictures, I enjoy the darker side of life
  13. I hate people like that, you're doing the best you can with the hand you've been dealt, and doing a pretty good job apparently. If she's that bitter than the problems with her. If it's any consulation in a few years when your ex husband is...fat? old? dead? she's going to be bitter angry and alone, and you won't be
  14. look on the bright side hun (and I know I'm on the outside looking in, so if I'm overstepping my bounds I appologize in advance), she's the one attacking, you're the one being the mature adult. She just does it because she's so unhappy and insecure with herself that the only way to make herself feel important is to bring you down. You're better than both of them, so just try and ignore it (yes, I know its hard to ignore your baby's daddy, but still). You don't need their drama and you're a better person now that you're not with him. So, in short, they can both kiss your ass!
  15. omg thats awful, people are such jerks!
  16. omfg thatwas good...new single...new album...can you say TOUR? *fingers crossed*
  17. a mimosa! the most goth drink in the world!
  18. idk im a dude lol ive never anylized hats
  19. lol shut up youre cute lol some of us actually have to try lol
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