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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. Michael Crawford-music of the night Rammtein- mein land Rammstein- mutter
  2. I'm laying here...supposed to be teaching myself hieroglyphics for my class, but I'm talking to you awesome people instead...and looking at Detroit concert tickets lol
  3. I'm single, but I'm not lonely, the voices in my head keep me company! xP
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, I really appreciate it. I should be in Detroit a few times next month, drinks are on you guys xP
  5. and I've always wanted to go to city club I forgot what I did or didnt tell you and I'm too lazy to look, so in summary Traverse City male student/artist Northweztern Michigan College, transferring to state single no kids act, wrestle, hauntedhouses google its my stage name
  6. Right now...and yes i know this is nerdy...I'm reading La Salle's journals. I'm an archeology major in college and we are searching for one of his ships
  7. Well my one major event I still cant explain to this day. When I was younger I was dating a girl with a guardian angel. One night we were relaxing on the couch and she fell asleep with her cellphone open. All of a sudden, I get a text FROM HER NUMBER that said "you will not harm her." For the next twenty minutes i had a text coversation with...whatever it was. To this day I can't explain it.
  8. Unfortunately, I have a hard time finding awesome stuff that fits me at 6'3 240 lbs. I've resorted to taking normal street clothes and just going nuts with them. I also love modifying military surplus, it makes for some really cool outfits. I also make steampunk jewelry, which I've been able to make some pretty good money from. I'd post some pix, but I'm currently posting from my tablet.
  9. Good morning everyone! I just joined the forums this morning, so i figured it would be appropriate for me to post and introduce myself. Well,I'm Justin, but people usually call me by my stage name, Corvus. I'm a 21 year old archeology student and dark artist in Traverse City. I guess you could call me a rennasance man, I'm a concept designer for haunted houses, actor, makeup artist, photographer, and clothing designer. Growing up in rural Indiana, I was always fascinated by the gothic culture, but being in the country and not fully comfortable with myself I never really experienced it.Thankfully, now that I'm in college and have friends who grew up in Detroit experiencing it all first hand, I'm realizing that mentally I was like them, but never expressed it with my appearance....so now I need to make up for lost time lol. I really look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully make some friends. Thanks for letting me share and I'm so happy to be here!
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