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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. omg we are so going people....so going!
  2. losing my mind: the most recent ex (whom claims she still loves me, and whom I still love) just posted a pic on FB of some toes she painted...that were hairy...and in the background you could see the "trail of shame" (a long trail of BOTH genders clothes)....normally I'd be ok and I'd buck up like a tough guy...but couple that with finals, work, 2 12 page papers that are due....and I'm about to lose it! :(
  3. OMG You're alive! I was getting worried! You've got to remember, I got my message board training from a sports memorabilia trading site, where stuff changes constantly, so necroing was a BIG no-no lol old habits die hard!
  4. AND NECROING AN OLD THREAD AGAIN, I'm becoming a regular deviant lol I discovered City Club only as a myth told to me by an ex-goth friend who grew up in Detroit in the late 90s early 00s I only recently got to go for the first time with the lovely Critter!
  5. wow dear, I've never heard you cuss that much...how'd we do all theese awesome movie scenes...AND NO SCARFACE...fuckin cockaroaches!
  6. Ok, even though I promised not to necro old threads...and this hasn't been posted in since 05, I feel it has a lot of valuable info (since I'm writing a piece of goth as a subculture for my pop culture course) but it's also a good way for the 4th and 5th gen (don't start arguing on what makes up which gen lol) to know where they came from...so I'm bumping this! Enjoy memory lane to those of you who've been here forever and posting (I mean you Troy, I was just told about your Radio show by FC this weekend) and for you younger members...get caught up on your history lesson!
  7. Everybody's interview will help. I should have an official set of questions done by this weekend and will get um sent your way. Thanks a ton!
  8. I was expecting 5 bucks here or there, so your donation was an unexpected surprise. YOU WILL BE GETTING A DRINK NEXT TIME AT CC (you are legal right? lol) So thank you so much lol
  9. wow, and my spelling was horrid in the original message lol somehow gracious became gracias lol
  10. it is to get me to the UK, which parts confusing (please excuse me if i'm being confusing, i haven't slept in like 3 days I'm getting a bit...hyper?)
  11. well played my dear...well played btw you were WAY too gracias with your gift for the UK trip, I owe you a big drink! and a huge THANK YOU!!!!
  12. I have a moral dellema with "necro-ing" threads. If they aren't say a week old I won't post in them (it's an old habit that developed from growing up in sports forums, where if you bring back a thread more than a week old members want your head) lol so that has kind of limited what I will talk about Plus...idk what to talk about So....hi Tron...how are you?
  13. Don't worry folks, I'm the one doing the writing! Both my pop culture professor as well as my anthropology prof have been asking a lot of questions about both my personal choices that lead to my "gothdom" for lack of a better word, as well as the subculture as a whole. In order to try and make it...understandable (and not make it the size of an encyclopedia)....I'm going to base in a metaphor that is City Club. This paper (and scientific journal article) will be SCHOLARLY and factual, my personal biases being removed as best as possible. Since I'm relatively new to the goth world, this should be relatively easy to avoid. So, I guess what I'm asking for is people who would be willing to be interviewed (either by email, skype, in person, over the phone, etc). If I interview you at CC, you WILL get a free drink out of me (assuming you're old enough). I'd like to inverview a vast array of people if possible: men, women, old (*cough* Troy *cough* ), young, as well as members of the various "sects" of gothdom (for lack of a better phrase). If anyone would be comfortable being interviewed by me, please either drop me a post or a pm, I'd be really grateful! Thanks so much! Corvus
  14. someone needs to post something for us to talk about other than just saying what we're doing!
  15. Front seat: case of Mountain Dew SEALED bottle of Scotch Pack of cloves my assortment of lighters Back seat: bunch of archaeology books my digging tools my Total Station Trunk: Shotgun ammo case of LEGAL strawberry "moonshine" Gosh it's a good thing I haven't been pulled over...I don't think a cop would buy it lol
  16. I'm watching the most goth movie ever....DIRTY DANCING!!!! GREAT MOVIE!!!! and an embarassing little fact... I played Johnny in a semi-pro theatre version of this when I was 18
  17. Welp...I'm officially tired of the single life after 5 months lol I need someone to settle me down and round out my rough edges lol
  18. HOLY CRAP TRON uh....idk how old you are...so IDK if I can tech get you a drink...well...several drinks at CC...but if you're legal then you have drinks coming when we finally meet! Thank you so much hun that was way too generous!
  19. wow hun....you have my sympathies, but no you're not being a bitch about it!
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