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Nienna last won the day on February 28 2016

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About Nienna

  • Birthday 02/18/1979

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  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    In an open relationship
  • Location
    Southfield, MI
  • Interests
    Synth Pop, Industrial music, gothic culture, clubbing, SCA, Science Fiction conventions, BDSM, Anne Rice, Religous and Medieval history, travel, nature, fashion, camping, reading, sewing, art, photography, cuddling, kissing for your life, talking all night, dancing, corsetry, friends, cats.
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  1. I'd be down. I don't check here often though so let me know.
  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. Troy, as one who has been through the whole cancer / surgery / chemo thing twice now, I can say, try to hang. It was not pleasant, but I'm alive today and so glad I persevered. I'm here for you, I know how you feel and will suppirt you however I can. For the gastrectomy, I have the same surgery (85% removed)so I can talk to you about that too if you need it. *hugs* I know I've been out of touch for awhile, but I do still care, and want to see you pull through this.
  4. Thanks, Three surgeries and around 2 weeks total hospital time later.... I'm down 4 organs and doing great! I wish there were an answer to fix the board... Meh.
  5. I'm here off an on. Life is really full these days... I'm really hoping to get back into the scene now that my health is in line again so It's sad that DGN isn't the source like it used to be. I don't even kow where else to look!
  6. I get it... and I know that I have been way too distracted with my own health crap for almost a year to really post much. I've not been out much either. I went to VnV on Wednesday and it inspired me to check out DGN, and try to get back into the loop and get out to the club more and all that. I came back here, because I realized that while I still have those long loved friends that I met here, some over a decade ago, I don't know alot of people in the scene anymore. I was hoping to make some new friends. So the loss of this touchstone would be painful to me, as I'm sure it would be for others as well. At the end of the day though, if it is becoming too heavy of a burden Troy, you have to choose yourself over anything else.
  7. LOL Great point. Before I went to CC for the first time, even up in Grand Rapids, people talked about how people died there and how supposedly someone would roam the dancefloor sticking peole with needles. (and BTW... wtf? Who can afford to waste drugs like that? LOL) I still went. Things happen. Thats where a thing called "street smarts" comes in handy. These violent things tend to happen wherever there is alcolhol and idiots.
  8. LOL Congrats on the successful doctor wrangling. Mine was not so cool. I had pre cancerous cells in my uterus, on my cervix, and on my remaining ovary. The ovary also had a huge dermoid cyst on it. Still, they desparately tried to convince me to get CHEMO rather than a TAH. WTF??!! I told them I was not interested in that and if they would not remove the offending organs before I got sick in earnest I would sue them when I did. LOL They did it... about a week later. It makes me so angry that my life would be less important to these people than the possibility that I might have a kid someday. It's messed up! I'm fine now BTW. I feel better than I think I ever have. Life without pain is amazing.
  9. I don't see it that way. We enjoy eachother's company, and together can live a comfortable lifestyle with alittle extra for random stuff purchasing. On our own, we would both struggle to eat. I'm pretty sure there is no love in the relationship, but certainly mutual affection and companionship. Relationships have been built on much less. Besides, in house sex is always nice!
  10. I would make it out to see what was up once its up and running. I'm not much good for helping these days being very busy. Keep us posted though, it sounds interesting.
  11. YES! I totally agree! I'm one of those people. I like a neat house with nice things. I like freedom. I like sleeping naked. I need to never have kids, because they are the antithesis of all of these things. That said, I do enjoy the children of my friends, but dislike the having to work around them to plan anything. My SO has 2 kids that we have every weekend. Its just cemented my conviction that I do not need to be a parent. I had a major health explosion that resulted in my loss of all of my repro organs this last summer. I agree 100% with what you said here. I did mourn that way too. It wasn't some faceless child, only the loss of a possible path, the loss of an experience that I was capable of and no longer could have.
  12. By being a cold hearted bi*ch? LOL No really... I'm so incredibly damaged at this point that I have walls so thick that no one gets through unless I open the door, and it's completely intentional. I wish I didn't have to be this way, but like I said, I had love, real love. He would have eventually destroyed me though so I ended things. I have yet to find anyone else that made me feel that way. I refuse to settle, so I have what I have. It's fine for now. I'm not really fufilled, but I'm too old to be depending on a significant other to do that for me anyway. Maybe sometimes I'll find another person who makes me sing, but I'm not holding my breath. Sorry to be so blunt. It's just the way it is with me now.
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