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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. Shade, you can't hide with that dance fu! I'll be out there with you, never fear.
  2. It was a great night. I as usual saw alot of DGNers but am awful at the rembering so no listy for you!
  3. Heh.. I felt you. I made sure he had a good time, though you are very missed!
  4. haha yes, great night! Thanks to everyone for the many and varied awesome convos, and the dancing!
  5. I'm trying to be certain that it will. He's just such a good guy that he won't dump someone FOR someone soiit's like we're both waiting for her to give him a reason to dump her. I hope she hurries up. LOL
  6. I am now "Single". I have a heavy interest in someone, but he's taken and being stubborn about coming to his senses. I have faith though. LOL
  7. Xena Buffy Angel Firefly Dead Like Me Carnivale Kingdom Hospital
  8. heh... I might wear a corset... or I might do easy, comfortable, and dance friendly... Time will tell!
  9. well damn. If it's going o be this good of a night... I'm going to actually have to make some sort of effort. LOL No CC pjs for me! =(
  10. Awww comeon!! I'm all sad and dumpified and I'm still going.
  11. hugs and drinks will help! Just not too many drinks or I'll also need a ride. LOL
  12. I will be there, but am in a weird / bad mental place so be nice to me.
  13. I have PCOS as well. I also suffer from endometreosis, dermoid ovarian cysts, and am an ovarian cancer survivor. I have 3/4 of 1 ovary, and a partial uterus. I'm 29. I can still have children. All hope is not necessarily lost so don't lose hope and hang in there!
  14. Ummm yeah.. Obama all the way. I'd vote for a chimp to keep McCain out of office. (Not that I don't think Obama will be awesome.)
  15. low rise cotton bikini cut with light blue waistband and little pastel flowers all over.
  16. Pastel flowers cotton undies, black bra, annoyingly cute black socks with a kitten on them, combat boots, army fatigues, and a black tank top.
  17. Black hot pants with hooks and eyes up both hips. Easy access! LOL
  18. VNV Nation "Airships"... I have no idea. I guess it reminds me of change and hope, and thuise reminds me that I need some change and currently have no hope. Leonard Cohen "So Long MaryAnn"... Reminds me of the shambles that became of my first relationship. Tom Waits "Who Are You".. Because I think it's alittle relevant and I wish it wasn't.
  19. Thanks. I'm really ok with it surprisingly.
  20. No longer engaged as of this weekend. Not precisely single though.
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