I'm trying to be certain that it will. He's just such a good guy that he won't dump someone FOR someone soiit's like we're both waiting for her to give him a reason to dump her. I hope she hurries up. LOL
I have PCOS as well. I also suffer from endometreosis, dermoid ovarian cysts, and am an ovarian cancer survivor. I have 3/4 of 1 ovary, and a partial uterus. I'm 29. I can still have children. All hope is not necessarily lost so don't lose hope and hang in there!
VNV Nation "Airships"... I have no idea. I guess it reminds me of change and hope, and thuise reminds me that I need some change and currently have no hope.
Leonard Cohen "So Long MaryAnn"... Reminds me of the shambles that became of my first relationship.
Tom Waits "Who Are You".. Because I think it's alittle relevant and I wish it wasn't.