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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. Here's some Racha goodness. She's much more fake in person. LOL
  2. Must be: Intelligent Spontaneoufs Respectful loyal / suplportive Cultured Enjoys travel Self-sufficient
  3. Deal Breakers: Very negative attitude Abusive Racist Lower than average intelligence Poor hygiene Liar / untrustworthy Negatives: A penchance for country, gangster, or preppy stuff Uber Christian Kids (I may want one someday but not looking for an insta family)
  4. I'm fairly sure that my Racha is actually a cat shaped surveliance unit sent here by aliens because she is so strange, but she's also VERY friendly! In fact, I've found that most cats if properly socialized are wonderful companion animals. I like dogs, but am allergic and way too busy so I don't really know much about ther preferability as it were. My ex-roommates had ferrets and it was AWFUL. They pooed everywhere, smelled horrible and dug up the furniture. Not to mention the constant noise.
  5. It's like a neon sign.... but... but... GAH!!!
  6. I love it! It's a look I've really started working into my club stuff as well as some details on my everyday.
  7. I like Luna, but hy heart belongs to City. I can't dance like that anywhere else.
  8. Not single, but I certainly feel like I am alot of the time.
  9. I' m moving that day so as long as all goes well and there are no catastrophies, I'll be there....
  10. I'm a bit obsessive about numbers. I know the sizes for everything I put on my body. I know my measurements... and I know my weight, every day. It's the only way I can avoid slipping because even thinking about food makes me gain. I'm not kidding.
  11. Yeah.. the dancing kicked my ass too. What a great night though!
  12. I'm teh injured so I'm all for hanging out and I'm a good corset lacer!
  13. OK so here's the thing. 2 weeks ago at CC I somehow twisted my foot dancing to "Beers, Steers & Queers" in spite to sobriety and combat boots. I'm still in pain!! So everyone needs to come and keep me company since I can't be an antisocial dancing maniac this weekend. OK???
  14. I spend alot of time being sad / angry / hopeless lately. I go see movies, go dancing, try to be social. All one can do.
  15. BORED, and I have a cold again... Work sucks.
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