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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. Hi everyone! I will be posting periodically here and also on Facebook with posts like this. They will contain alot of cool purses and clothes, shoes, and random household stuff as well as some books, video games and other items. Long story short, I need surgery. Now. I have no insurance, am on unemployment, cannot get any assistance, and was also just informed I will be having to move in the next couple of months. Not a good scenario. SO... I'm shedding whatever I can live without. I will meet you, let you pick it up, or ship it to you. Please keep checking for these posts! There will be manly stuff too! Size 10. Brand: Diba. Original price:$80ish. SELLING FOR $20 PICKED UP OR $27 SHIPPED. Worn once, like new really. Comfy, but heel is too high for me. They're a snakeskin type faux leather. Remains of Nordstrom stickers inside, easily removed with Alcohol. The picture sucks, because my phone's camera sucks. They look alot better in person. ALSO: Lancome lipsticks in Alloy, Merlot, Trendy Mauve & Risque. All are new and unused and within date. Asking $5.00 each. Artistry Foundations: $10 each, new and unopened in boxes and unexpired. Time Defiance Firming in Hazelnut Absolute Oil Control in Ebony and Hazelnut Self Defining Sheer in Ebony Mary Kay - I have alot of Skincare in stock, selling for a discount, or would be happy to order what I don't have for you, also at a slightly less awesome discount. (Contact me privately about Mary Kay.) Antique Sewing Machine Parts - I have an old Singer buttonholer attachment and an old Ward set that looks like knobs or something. If you might want these, let me know. They are not selling on EBay, and they will be free for the taking. Cushman Tire: Selling for my brother, this is a long shot. $75.00. I have alot of info on it. If you happen to have a Cushman and need a tire, PM me. LOL
  2. I wanted to go, it sounds like I missed the good time I was expecting it would be. :(
  3. Healthcare Administration. Maybe I'll finaly get a career. OH yeah and holy
  4. BUSY! Very busy. Like second Masters degree and starting a home business busy. It's manageable now though so I'm trying to get back to some things.
  5. What are some key things that you HAVE to have? Stability! (Mental, financial, physical) I'm not into raising an adult child. Child Free (Unless your kid is awesome, and baby mama is also either awesome or out of the picture) Intelligence A social personality. Sitting at home is not my idea of fun. Great hygiene Creativity and free spirited Non Christian or at least very ok with my being so. Not clingy, needy, a cheater, a liar, abusive or possessive. Being ok with the fact that I cannot bear children. What are some things you'd like, but are not musts? Tall, not blonde, not fat but not cut either Fashionable Loves travel is into weird stuff like SCA or sci-fi cons Likes to dance Absolutely child free What are deal breakers? A million kids a psycho ex being clingy, needy, possessive, abusive or generally a douchelord. poor hygiene bad grammar low intelligence rude
  6. Con is full of socially awkward folks with health issues. It's part of why I feel so at home there! LOL
  7. I'm seeing that. I like the new look too. Maybe I'll be back!
  8. Lets see if I can do this without outing anyone, since I've dated several DGNers now... LOL 1) She was my foster sister and we had a background relationship for abut 4 years before her mom finally cleaned up, took her back and moved out of state. I still think abut her often, but I never saw her again. 2) We were like 14... he was weak and I dumped him. 3) He was the weirdest guy I'd ever met and we were awesome together.. until he cheated on me with several girls and impregnated two of them. Then I left. I still talk to his sister though. 4) He was the "Great Love" so far. 9 years. We were perfectly in love for 6 of those years and fought hard for the last three to get it back. It wasn't meant to be, we had grown out of each other. We're still very good friends though. 5) He was a sexual fling based around City and sex that I let get into my head like a relationship. It was fun while it lasted, but he dumped me, took me back, and dumped me again in quick succession. The sex was awesome, but nothing else was. 6) He had an understanding way about him that made me feel quiet and calm, and he needed me, which was nice. After a time though it felt like I couldn't help him and I had to leave to maintain my own autonomy. Selfish or no, it was necessary. 7)Friends 13 years, lovers three more. He was my true soul mate, but he was dark, dark, dark and also a total sociopath. He made my dark side come out in ways I had never thought of before and it was a very destructive relationship in alot of ways. I reveled in it for awhile and then fled, for my own preservation more than anything else. 8)He treated me like a princess, seriously the nicest guy I'd ever known. He had his own demons though and I never could get through them. It eventually made me lonely and I left. 9)We were both broken and took solace in each other. It was a mistake. 10) Current. Its been alittle more than 2 years now. Things are good, stable, and mutually supportive. I'm not sure it's the one though. time will tell I suppose.
  9. I'm struggling with a health issue causing constant pain lately. It makes the couch seem like such a friendly place!
  10. For me, I was avoiding the board because there was a lot of petty drama and I try to be free of that stuff. It does seem much better now though so hopefully I'll be back more often, because I miss the board! CC.... well... I have alot of reasons. I miss dancing to the music I loved with my friends. My friends don;t go out as much anymore, and the music that is getting alot of play is unappealing to me. (No, I don;t want this to turn into a music discussion, as I've already been down that road and no one really cares what I think about that.) CC has just lost it's magic. I used to go and feel like I was home. I'd smile until my face hurt and crash home at 5 AM, exhausted and happy. Now, after about an hour of the club, wandering between the dance floor, but not wanting to dance and the front, and seeing one or two faces I was to talk to.... It's not worth the eyeliner anymore. Maybe I need to meet more people or something, but it's not fun anymore.
  11. I've done panels at countless cons, and at Penguicon before. I can do any of the listed after dark topics except body piercing and Furries. LOL PM me if you have ideas or are interested. I was thinking of coming out this year, and a free badge clinches it. (So make sure I get at least 3-4 panels. LOL)
  12. I had paranhas back in the day. They won;t eat the pleco probably. Plecos eat poo... and dead fish scraps... and whatever else they can find. They can also get like 18" long. I guess they taste bad, and they are an armored fish. I have Cichlids now... a community tank with an oscar, 2 blue dempseys, a parrotfist, 3 angels, a pleco and a random gourami. It's funny too because the angels are my meanest fish. I gave up on the paranhas because they are too aggressive. They would eat eachother, and when I would open the tank to feed them they would jump right out! (Not to mention danger when tank cleaning. Rubber gloves...
  13. OMG still feeling like crap! I hate daylight savings time!
  14. I just saw this today. I'm so sorry Troy. *hugs*
  15. I have to be careful not to totally wash it off while I'm still AT the club! I guess it's a body chemistry thing. Oh yeah, and I will most likely come out this Saturday.
  16. So true. I'm in possession of said Master's degree, but I can't even get a job cashiering at Meijer.
  17. I wish I could have come. I had a family event the same weekend... Maybe next year.
  18. This sounds awesome. I would soooo love this.
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