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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. trying to decide how to get food today.
  2. At work.. trying to decide if staying in with movies or trying to drown my demons in drink will be more helpful.
  3. being sad, and scared and all sorts of other ugly emotions.
  4. contemplating going to bed early.
  5. Yes, that would work too.. anything to get rid of them! Some sweet, wonderful day... I will have a job... a job that does not involve a call center..... oh yes...
  6. A phonezooka... so I can blast these morons who call and act like idiots over stupid crap.
  7. Prolly... Unless I get too wasted at this party I'm hitting before hand..
  8. I'm with Brenda.. worrying and tying not to cry...
  9. I was in a stupidly great mood and took CC by storm (at least in my own head...) Drank WAYYYY too much and danced a ton. I saw alot of DGNers and had fun talking to all of you! I also missed the presence of Mr. Spiral. *evil stink eye* (J/K) (I wanted to go to breakfast with you guys.. but I was too drunk and I got lost! =( )
  10. I'm not sure when I joined or why... I'm just... here.. I think it's been close to 2 years now..
  11. pretending I have something to do at work..
  12. *L* Hell.. I don't have as much energy as I had last year!
  13. Ditto.. I used to do that all the time... Hmmm... maybe would be fun!
  14. Not sure yet.. I have a thingie to do in GR that day..
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